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Scrofani, Reise en Griechenland, 1794-5. Leip. 1801. 8vo. The German translation of this work, originally published in Italian, is superior to the original, and to the French translation, by the addition of valuable notes by the translator, and the omission of irrelevant matter. Scrofani pays particular attention to commercial details respecting the Ionian Isles, Dalmatia, the Morea, &c.

The following is the title of the French translation of part of the Dutch Embassy: 766. Voyage de la Campagne des Indes Orientales vers l'Empire de la Chiné, 1794-5. Tiré du Journal de Van Braam. Philadelphe. 1797, 4to. There is also an English translation. Sir George Staunton's Account of the Embassy of the Earl of Macartney to China. 2 vols. 4to. 1797. John Barrow's Travels to China. 4to. 1804.

At any rate, a really good new translation of Corinne would be a task unlikely to be achieved except by rather exceptional talents working in labour of love: and I cannot blame the publishers of this issue for not waiting till such a translator appeared. Oswald, Lord Nelville, Peer of Scotland, quitted Edinburgh for Italy during the winter of 1794-5.

Wellington had a thorough military training, received his first commission at eighteen, and was a lieutenant-colonel in his twenty-fifth year. After showing that he was a good soldier in 1794-5, against the French, he went to India, where he distinguished himself in subordinate campaigns, and was made a major-general in 1802.