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Updated: January 23, 2025

I have noticed something that seems curious to me in the composition of our company." To my surprise he turned to me a smiling face, as of one that was too well contented with his star to be fretted by wayward chances.

Whatever he did- -whichever path he selected, led back to Raynham. And whatever he did, however wretched and wayward he showed himself, only confirmed Sir Austin more and more in the truth of his previsions. Tom Bakewell, now the youth's groom, had to give the baronet a report of his young master's proceedings, in common with Adrian, and while there was no harm to tell, Tom spoke out.

"Then if they don't amount to a great deal, is there anything that does?" "Nothing but human beings." "Human beings . . . and why do they?" "Because every human being even the most obscure or humble or wayward is a little bit of God." Everychild pondered that. It gave him a deep feeling of comfort. He gazed away into the mysterious sky.

Heart is a very perplexing, wayward, irrational thing; and that perhaps accounts for the general incapacity to comprehend genius, while any fool can comprehend talent. "Sir Peter is growing more odd every day," said Lady Chillingly to herself when left alone. "But he does not mean ill, and there are worse husbands in the world."

Moreover her father, though excessively fond of her, treated her always as a toy; with the result that, as she grew to years of discretion, she became wholly wayward and spoilt.

There are many imperfections in "Tristram Shandy," both from the standpoint of art and taste; yet withal it remains one of the great classics in English literature, its many passages of genuine humour and wit ensuring an immortality for the wayward genius of Laurence Sterne.

All through his boyhood he had mused upon that which he had so often thought to be his destiny and when the moment had come for him to obey the call he had turned aside, obeying a wayward instinct. Now time lay between: the oils of ordination would never anoint his body. He had refused. Why?

The effect of this treatment, so much better than what he deserved, intoxicated this wayward and unprincipled, but exceedingly able man. His first exploit was to sail to Andros, now under a Lacedæmonian garrison, whose fields he devastated, but was unable to take the town.

Her grandmother and her uncle Lovell could do nothing with her; both of them have written that her changing her mind was entirely due to your influence in fact she said so to her grandmother. She has an unbounded admiration for you. Poor Ellen she was always a wayward child. I wonder what her fate will be?" "What we've all contrived to make it," he felt like answering.

He had what gardeners call "a lucky hand" with them, and they throve with him, and he had, moreover, that gift of winning their wayward hearts that comes neither by cultivation nor by knowledge, but is innate and unconscious.

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