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Updated: December 11, 2024

From the first moment he drew the judicial robes around him he viewed all questions submitted to him as a judge in the calm atmosphere of the bench, and with the deliberate consideration of one who feels that he is determining issues for the remote and unknown future of a great people." Magistratus ostendit virum the magistracy shows out the man.

To keep it up, it must be struck at both ends . Often have I reflected on this since; and, instead of being angry at many of those who have written against me, have smiled to think that they were unintentionally subservient to my fame, by using a battledoor to make me virum volitare per ora .

Louis XVIII. remained alone, and turning his eyes on his half-opened Horace, muttered, "Justum et tenacem propositi virum." M. de Blacas returned as speedily as he had departed, but in the ante-chamber he was forced to appeal to the king's authority.

Id., Causa, 29, Quaest. 2, c. 1 and 8. "Divorce," by James Cardinal Gibbons, in the Century, May, 1909. For this and what immediately follows see Session 24 of the Council of Trent "On the Sacrament of Matrimony" and also the Catholic Encyclopedia under "Divorce." Gratian, Causa 28, Quaest. i, c. 5 Friedberg, i, pp. 1080-1081. Licite dimittitur uxor que virum suum cogere querit ad malum.

Vixque etiam sicca miles Romanus arena Ossa virum lacerosque prius superastitit artus; Lucan, Scelerique secundo Praestatis nondum siccos hoc sanguine campos; Juvenal, Thessaliae campis Octavius abstulit ... famam.... This is analogous to the way in which the satirists use the names consecrated by Lucilius or Horace as types of a vice, and repeat the same symptoms ad nauseam, e.g. the miser who anoints his body with train oil, who locks up his leavings, who picks up a farthing from the road, &c.

In short, the old Man was so puzzled upon the Point, that it might have fared ill with his Son, had he not seen all the Prints about three Days after filled with the same Terms of Art, and that Charles only writ like other Men. 'Semivirumque bovem Semibovemque virum. No. 166. Monday, September 10, 1711. Addison. ... Quod nec Jovis ira, nec ignis, Nec poterit ferrum, nec edax abolere vetustas.

"Tenacem propositi virum. I think he must have made an agreement with death to outlive all his heirs, and he appears likely to succeed. He resembles the old Conventionalist of '93, who said to Napoleon, in 1814, 'You bend because your empire is a young stem, weakened by rapid growth.

Et primo incepit a digniori, scilicet a Guidone Guerra; et circa istius descriptionem lectori est aliqualiter immorandum, quia multi mirantur, immo truffantur ignoranter, quod Dantes, qui poterat describere istum praeclarum virum a claris progenitoribus et ejus claris gestis, describit eum ab una femina, avita sua, Domna Gualdrada.

Of General Trochu, into whose hands, by the mere force of circumstances, all civil and military authority is concentrating, Bonum virum, facile dixeris, magnum libenter. He is, I believe, a good general and a good administrator. Although he awakens no enthusiasm, confidence is felt by the majority in his good sense.

"Dignum certe Deo spectaculum fortem virum cum calamitate colluctantem." "Even God may look with pleasure upon a brave man struggling against adversity." Again, "Quels solides appui dans le malheur suprême! J'ai pour moi ma vertu, l'équité, Dieu même." "How substantial the consolation in the greatest calamity I have for mine, my virtue, justice, God himself." Beneath this was written,

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