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Updated: November 14, 2024

I rejoice in the great fortunes of earth because, with every dollar corralled by the superior energies of the multi- millionaires, the fewer there are for other men to seek, and until we stop seeking dollars and turn our minds to other, finer things, there will be no hope of peace and sweet content upon this little green ball we inhabit. My resentment of Mrs.

Headlines an inch high would proclaim the discovery of the missing Stanley G. Fulton, and the fine print below would tell everything that happened, and a great deal that didn't happen, in the carrying-out of the eccentric multi- millionaire's extraordinary scheme of testing his relatives with a hundred thousand dollars apiece to find a suitable heir.

So, considering that such waiting was not safe for me, I obtained my end in another way, as I shall now relate. St. Matt. xx. 16: "Multi enim sunt vocati, pauci vero electi." Maria de Cepeda, married to Don Martin Guzman y Barrientos. See below, ch. xxxiv. section 24. Don Pedro Sanchez de Cepeda. Our Lord Helps Her to Become a Nun. Her Many Infirmities.

Itaque non modo quod non possumus, sed ne quantum possumus quidem cogimur. 35 At multi ita sunt imbecilli senes, ut nullum offici aut omnino vitae munus exsequi possint. At id quidem non proprium senectutis vitium est, sed commune valetudinis. Quam fuit imbecillus P. Africani filius, is qui te adoptavit, quam tenui aut nulla potius valetudine!

There hasn't been a line from you or from your father. We couldn't believe it when we heard that you had been at the dinner the other evening. I was never so disappointed in my life!" I gripped Mr. Bundercombe by the arm and led him firmly to one side. "Look here," I said, "is your name Bundercombe?" "It is," he admitted gloomily. "Are you a millionaire?" I persisted. "Multi!" he groaned.

This recommendation, as he well knew, was equivalent to a command. In the prologue he expresses his sense of the affront with great manliness and force of language. We quote some lines from it, as a specimen of the best plebeian Latin; "Necessitas, cuius cursus, transversi impetum Voluerunt multi effugere, pauci potuerunt, Quo me detrusit paene extremis sensibus?

Item ab Ecclesia Sancti Sepulchri in orientem ad stadium cum dimidio habetur aedificium mirabile, ac pulchrum valde, quod templum Domini nominatur, quod constructum est in forma rotunda, cuius circumferentiae diameter habet 64 cubitos, et altitudo eius 126, et intrinsecus pro sustentatione aedificij, multi pilarij.

"Thanks, Signor," answered Montreal, maliciously, "but I, also, perhaps, have my own affairs to watch over. Adieu! I shall seek you at the earliest occasion. Fair night, and gentle dreams! 'Robers Bertrams qui estoit tors Mais a ceval estoit mult fors Cil avoit o lui grans effors Multi ot 'homes per lui mors."

The conclusion to which we came on the perusal of this document was, that the ladies had superintended the style and spelling of my poor Hal's letter, but that the postscript was added without their knowledge. And I am afraid we argued that the Virginian Squire was under female domination as Hercules, Samson, and fortes multi had been before him.

It is then that we cry out to God for mercy; then when our selves can no longer exercise cruelty to others; and it is only then, that we are strucken through the soul with this terrible sentence, "That God will not be mocked." For if according to St. "O quam multi," saith a reverend father, "cum hac spe ad aeternos labores et bella descendunt!"

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