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Updated: September 8, 2024

They have taken so great a fancy to me that their mother has just asked me to come and reside at their house as governess. What wonderfully kind hearts those Germans have, so simple, so truthful! They raise no troublesome questions, accept my own story implicitly." Here follow a few commonplace sentences about the German character, and a postscript. "I go into my new home next week.

"Did you read the postscript?" asked Mr. Carr; a feeling coming over him that Val had not read it. "The postscript?" "There's a line or two over the leaf." Lord Hartledon glanced at it, and found it ran thus: "You must be aware that another person knows of this besides myself. He who was a witness at the time, and from whom I heard the particulars.

A letter like that one of his written to Michelangelo in November, 1545, is alone of its kind; along with all the admiration he expresses for the 'Last Judgement' he charges him with irreligion, indecency, and theft from the heirs of Julius II, and adds in a conciliating postscript, 'I only want to show you that if you are "divino," I am not "d'acqua."

It was addressed to "My dear friend," and the writer was so sorry he was going away so very soon, and had hoped he would stay ever so much longer, and then signed herself cordially his, Susan Burleigh Braxton. At the bottom was a postscript "I will expect you at three o'clock."

And in the middle of his work he broke off to read again the letter that he had written the night before. With a quick, impulsive gesture he kissed the name it bore. Then he turned to his work again. The sun was up before he folded the papers together. By way of a postscript he wrote a brief letter. "DEAR C. I have been fortunate, as you will see from the enclosed report.

"He ought to know! `Poor Charlie, as Harry calls him in the pride of his success. Go down-stairs, Graeme, and I will follow in a minute; I am nearly ready!" The postscript which Rose was not sure whether Graeme had seen, said, "poor Charlie," and intimated that Harry's sisters owed him much kindness for the trouble he was taking in going so far to carry them the news in person.

That startled her, if you like! She looked frightened, then coloured deeply. Urquhart seemed full of his own thoughts. "How's Lancelot?" he asked her. That helped her. "Oh, he delights me. Another 'living spirit. He never fails to ask after you." "Stout chap." "He harps on your story. The first you ever told us. This time he put in his postscript, 'How is Wives and Co?" He nodded. "Very good.

And dwelling upon this, and upon his patience and his gentleness, there came to me suddenly remembrance of that postscript, the significance of which I had not understood. He was a young man of about three- or four-and-twenty at the time. His father had died, and he was living in poor lodgings in the south of London, supporting himself and his mother by strenuous, ill-paid work.

As for the postscript requesting that the letter might be put in the fire, he said that not being a member of, the government of that province he was simply unwilling to leave a record that "he had been too curious in aliens republics, although that could hardly be considered a grave offence."

An answer was at once returned by Lord Granville, assuring the empress of welcome and protection; but he added in a postscript to Sir John: "Don't you think you may have been imposed upon?" The fact was that the Foreign Office had already received news of the escape of the empress by way of Ostend, under the charge of two English gentlemen, who had been themselves deceived.

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