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Updated: September 2, 2024

At the age of four-and-twenty she became a widow, with an income large even in England for a single woman, and at Paris constituting no ordinary fortune.

Her hair, knotted up under a lace cap, had not been combed for four-and-twenty hours, and showed as a thin, short plait and ragged little curls. Leontine had forgotten to put on her false hair. "You are in love for the first time in your life?" said Asie sententiously. Leontine then saw the woman and started with horror. "Who is that, my dear Diane?" she asked of the Duchesse de Maufrigneuse.

There are sixty beds in a ward; and the bolt's on, sixteen hours out of the four-and-twenty. 'I would rather go to some other place of confinement if I can, said Mr. Pickwick. 'If not, I must make the best I can of that. 'You can go to the Fleet, my dear Sir, if you're determined to go somewhere, said Perker. 'That'll do, said Mr. Pickwick.

I have saved in it alone twelve shillings. And see these ribbons which I have got for four-and-twenty shillings the ell thirty were asked. Are they not beautiful? will they not look magnificently? is it not a real discovery? did you ever hear of anything like it? Sara, if you will go to the same shop as I do, you will get all at the same price.

Since they first met, scarcely four-and-twenty hours had passed without his being in her presence; and now, notwithstanding the novelty and the variety of the objects around him and the vast, and urgent, and personal interest which they involve he felt a want which meeting her, or the daily prospect of meeting her, could alone supply.

Having lighted a lucifer, he turned on the gas, and exhibited the blooming-coated horses, well littered in straw, showing that he was not the man to pay four-and-twenty shillings a week for nothing. Mr. Sponge stood eyeing them for some seconds with evident approbation.

You have it is true, a great deal of time before you; but, in this period of your life, one hour usefully employed may be worth more than four-and-twenty hereafter; a minute is precious to you now, whole days may possibly not be so forty years hence.

But when she rejoined them half an hour later, Malcolm was quite sure she had been shedding tears. "Poor thing," she said to him in an undertone, "how she must have suffered; she is terribly exhausted, she has had no sleep, and has eaten nothing for four-and-twenty hours. I made her swallow some warm brandy and milk, and have covered her up snugly.

And, to speak truth, I hae been flitting every term these four-and-twenty years; but when the time comes, there's aye something to saw that I would like to see sawn, or something to maw that I would like to see mawn, or something to ripe that I would like to see ripen, and sae I e'en daiker on wi' the family frae year's end to year's end.

Mystery had also enveloped the fate of his brother-in-law, Charles Manvers; long, very long, had he hoped that he lived, that he would yet return; but year after year had passed, till four-and-twenty had rolled by, and still there were no tidings.

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