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Updated: August 14, 2024
"But it maun be that I was a fisherman to the en' o' a' creation, my leddy." "You refuse to answer my question?" "By no means, my leddy, gien ye wull hae an answer." "I will have an answer." "Gien ye wull hae 't than But " "No buts, but an answer!" "Weel it's yer am wyte, my leddy!
I'm no saying that's everything; but it is gude to come o' a gude kind." "The McFarlanes have aye been for the pope and the Stuarts," said James, a little scornfully. "They were 'out' in the '79'; and they would pin the white cockade on to-morrow, if there was ever a Stuart to bid them do it." "Maybe they would, James. Hielandmen hae a way o' sticking to auld friends.
"Ay an' I would not have thought, from the look o' you," retorted Andrew, "that ye could hae sell't yersel' to gang skulkin' aboot the hills as a spy upon the puir craters that are only seekin' to worship their Maker in peace." Without further remark Andrew Black, leaving his coat and plaid to keep company with the sword and stick, led his prisoner down the hill.
Then the clock struck midnight, and she felt herself aggrieved. "Deacon," she said sharply, "ye should mak the day day and the night night, and ye would if ye had a three weeks' ironing to do the morn. It has chappit twelve, sir." "Jenny, I'm not sleeplike to-night. There hae been ill words between David and me." "And I am mair than astonished at ye, deacon.
There is only another o' your book-mates that I have to make mention o', and that is John Mathewson or Many a score o' times hae I said that Jock's head was as impervious to learning as a nether-millstane. It would hae been as easy to hae driven mensuration into the head o' an ox, as instruction into the brain o' Jock Mathewson. He was born a dunce.
"Fash na yer heid, Saunders, aboot them," said the old betheral at the door; "it's me that's to be grave-digger, but ye shall howk them a' the same in the mornin', an' get the siller, for I'm far ower frail ye can hae them a' by afore nine o'clock, an' the minister disna pu' up his bedroom blind till ten!"
"I hae been a residenter in Linthaughlee since the day when King Alexander passed the door o' my cottage wi' his bonny French bride, wha was terrified awa' frae Jedburgh by the death's-head whilk appeared to her on the day o' her marriage. "Some of your sons have been killed in the wars, I presume?" said Sir James. "Ye hae guessed a pairt o' my waes," replied the woman.
"Belike," said the maiden, "she has been represented to you worse than she looks like if ye saw her, ye might change your opinion; and, perhaps, after a', that she isna bonny is a' that any one can say against her." "Wheesht, lassie!" said he; "I winna be forced to onything. A Scott may be led, but he winna drive. I have nae wish to see the face o' your young mistress, for I winna hae her.
But, of Nelly's being made a wife, there was no prospect; she was three-and-thirty; so far as was known, no lover had ever ventured to throw himself upon his knees before her, begging to be permitted to kiss her foot, and threatening, at the same time, to hang himself, if she did not consent to be his better half; still there was no appearance of any one doing so; and those who delighted in tracing effects back to their proper causes, began to recollect that her mother, "when she was a thoughtless lassie," had once given some offence to one of the witches, who were accused of holding nightly revels in the glen; and the witch, by way of retaliation, had said, that "the bairn unborn would maybe hae cause to rue its mother's impudence."
Ye may thank your stars, Jack, that ye hae ne'er been guilty o' the foul things that he's wyted wi'. Are your father and mother living, Jack Windsor?" "I hope so," said the dragoon; "but the old man was a little so so when I last heard of 'em." "Aye, Jack," replied the landlord, "auld folks are failing subjects. Ye hae some brothers and sisters nae doubt?
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