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Updated: January 27, 2025

But it is I and mine which are cursed." "Amen to the malediction on the Usurper and all his servants; it's weel deserved, and may it sune be fulfilled, full measure and rinnin' over, but for ony sake dinna curse yersel', my lord, for it's blessings ye've earned as a faithful servant o' your king."

For my ain pairt I hae my doobts; but gien onybody here aboot can tell the trowth on't, yersel' maun be the man; an' sae I hae brought it, to ken what ye wad say til 't." "I'll du my best to lowse yer doobt, laird," returned Jeames. "Lat's hae a luik at the article." The laird took the horse from his pocket, and handed it to him.

"Get to the washing, Meg," said Winsome. "Fegs!" returned Meg, "ye waur in nae great hurry yersel' doon aff the broomy knowe! What's a' the steer sae sudden like?" Winsome disdained an answer, but stood to her own tub, where some of the lighter articles pillow-slips, and fair sheets of "seventeen-hundred" linen were waiting her daintier hand.

As soon as he had finished this psalm, he closed the book with a snap; feeling which to have been improper, he put an additional compensating solemnity into the tone in which he said: "Thomas Crann, will you engage in prayer?" "Pray yersel'," answered Thomas gruffly. Whereupon Robert rose, and, kneeling down, did pray himself.

Long hair is the ornament o' woman ony way; we've good warrandise for that it's in the Bible and wha can doubt that the Apostle had some gowden-haired lassie in his mind Apostle and all, for what was he but just a man like yersel'?" ARCHIE was sedulous at church. Sunday after Sunday he sat down and stood up with that small company, heard the voice of Mr.

Alec seized the oars, and the men shoved him off. "Pray, Alec," shouted Thomas. "I haena time. Pray yersel'," shouted Alec in reply, and gave a stroke that shot him far towards the current. Before he reached it, he shifted his seat, and sat facing the bows.

"Ye winna tak even the washin' o' a pocket nepkin frae me, an' ye wad gar me tak a haill half croon frae yersel'! Mem, ye're a gran' leddy an' a bonny; an ye hae turns aboot ye, gien 'twar but the set o' yer heid, 'at micht gar an angel lat fa' what he was carryin', but afore I wad affront ane that wantit naething o' me but gude will, I wad I wad raither be the fisher lad that I am."

I now saw that there was no opening along this line, favourable at first sight as it had appeared. The attack must be plain and straight. "Geordie," I began, "this is a pitiable situation for a minister to be in, and you know, George " "That's a' richt, minister dinna fash yersel'. I'll no' mention it to a soul.

"Mar'on, Mar'on," she said, "ye're i' the lan' o' forgiveness! I hae dune the lad no ill. He'll come hame to ye nane the waur for ony words o' mine. We're no' a' made sae guid to begin wi' as yersel', Mar'on!" Here her voice became a mere murmur, so far as human ears could distinguish, and presently ceased. A minute or so more and her breathing grew intermittent.

I s' warran' He's as kin'-hertit as yersel." James had no reputation for piety, though much for truthfulness and honesty. Nor had he any idea how much lay in the words he had hastily uttered. A light-gleam grew and faded on Thomas's face. "I said, he micht be forced to sen' me efter a'." "What, Thomas!" cried Cupples. "He cudna save ye! Wi' the Son and the Speerit to help him?

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