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Updated: August 14, 2024
Ye 'ill lat me pay the half, bit by bit a' ken yir wullin' tae dae't a', but a' haena mony pleesures, an' a' wud like tae hae ma ain share in savin' Annie's life." Next morning a figure received Sir George on the Kildrummie platform, whom that famous surgeon took for a gillie, but who introduced himself as "MacLure of Drumtochty."
In my opeenion it's weel deserved, an' naething that ye can do or say wull prevent it, though what ye do an' say is no' unlikely to cut short yer ain career by means o' a rope roond yer thrapple. But losh! man, I wonder ye haena heard about thae matters afore now." "My having spent the last few years of my life in an out-of-the-way part of Ireland may account for that," said Wallace.
"I'm tellin' ye't as I heard it, mem. I houp they haena brunt him yet. Ye maun gang and tak' him oot o' their han's." "Whose hands, child? Who's doing all this to him?" "They stan' aboot the corners o' the streets, mem, in muckle toons, and they catch a haud o' young laads, and they trail them awa' wi' them, and they jist torment the life oot o' them.
Haena I my ain Steenie? 'Glaidly wud I shaw Francie the ro'd to sic a wife as ye wud mak him, my bonny Kirsty! But ye see clearly the thing itsel's no to be thoucht upon. Eh, Kirsty, but it's gran' to an auld father's hert to hear ye tak yer pairt in his devours efter sic a wumanly fashion! 'Am I no yer ain lass-bairn, father?
Dinmont will protect you back to the house. 'No, said Meg, 'he must come with you; it is for that he is here. He maun take part wi' hand and heart; and weel his part it is, for redding his quarrel might have cost you dear. 'Troth, Luckie, it's very true, said the steady farmer; 'and ere I turn back frae the Captain's side I'll show that I haena forgotten 't.
Gin ye should gang to Charleston ye'll hae to sing sma' on their Fourth o' July, for that's their screechin' time, they tell me; an' ye wudna hae a psalm frae year's end to year's end to wet yir burnin' lips an' ye wadna ken when it was the Twenty-fourth o' May. They tell me they haena kept the Twenty-fourth o' May in Ameriky since 1776." Archie knew his duty better than his dates.
"That's the puir laird again," said Joseph, the instant he was beyond hearing. "Something's wrang wi' him. I wonder what's come ower him!" "I haena seen him for a while noo," returned the other. "They tell me 'at his mither made him ower to the deil afore he cam to the light; and sae, aye as his birthday comes roun', Sawtan gets the pooer ower him.
"But few," added MacGregor, "ken'd he was derned there, save Rashleigh and Sir Hildebrand; for you were out o' the question; and the young lads haena wit eneugh to ca' the cat frae the cream But it's a bra' auld-fashioned house, and what I specially admire is the abundance o' holes and bores and concealments ye could put twenty or thirty men in ae corner, and a family might live a week without finding them out whilk, nae doubt, may on occasion be a special convenience.
The moment he lifted it, he was certain from the weight of the poor little property that the Bible was not there. "Ye haena pitten in Mr Cooie's Bible." "Mother! did ye pit in the Bible?" cried Bruce, for the house-door was open. "'Deed no, father. It's better whaur't is," said Mrs Bruce from the kitchen, with shrill response.
Ericson up again. 'But ye haena tellt me yet, said the doctor, so pleased with the lad that he relapsed into the dialect of his youth, 'hoo ye cam to forgather wi' 'im. 'I tellt ye a' aboot it, doctor. It was a' my grannie's doin', God bless her for weel he may, an' muckle she needs 't. 'Oh! yes; I remember now all your grandmother's part in the story, returned the doctor.
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