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The mustard and the sandwich and the table and Von Gerhard's face were very indistinct and uncertain to my eyes, but I managed to say: "So glad congratulate you very happy no doubt fortunate " Two strong hands grasped my wrists. "Drop that absurd mustard spoon and sandwich. Na, I did not mean to frighten you, Dawn. How your hands tremble. So, look at me. You would like Vienna, Kindchen.

"Ye may say that, leddy, and mak' na mistake." "What is that lofty mountain-top that I see on the edge of the horizon away to the north, just fading in the twilight?" inquired Salome, partly to divert the dame from her gloomy thoughts. "Yon? Ay. Yon will be, Ben Lone. It will be twenty miles awa', gin it be a furlong.

"It's plain to me, noo, that this auld Earth should bide where she belangs," he told the two girls, "not go outside o' her ain bit atmosphere be sending muckle messages outside it it's na canny."

The two stood, side by side, gazing at them. 'What did he give for 'em? Anthony asked. 'Fifty-five shillings. 'Ay, he assented, nodding absently. 'Was Dr. Sanderson na seein' o' yer father yesterday? he asked, after a moment. 'He came in t' forenoon. He said he was jest na worse. 'Ye knaw, Miss Rosa, as I'm still thinkin' on ye, he began abruptly, without looking up.

It is a wonderful thing when a girl of position, and hedged in as I have been, finds that she is loved for herself alone and not for her houses and lands, and her almost royal debts." "Verra flattering," said Traquair, "na doot. And what answer will you give?" "Traquair," she said, "I'm not a profane girl; but I'm hanged if I know."

"Na, what is it all for?" she muttered, and not until she had reached home, and prepared a little supper of meat and bread for her man did she stop asking herself that silly question. Herr Brechenmacher broke the bread into his plate, smeared it round with his fork and chewed greedily. "Good?" she asked, leaning her arms on the table and pillowing her breast against them. "But fine!"

He took out the bags of money. "There is one bag gone! fifty pounds gone!" he exclaimed. "Na, that canna be, gin it was in the bag. I hanna opened it ance," said the girl, unhesitatingly. The man paid no attention to her words, but took out the jewels and began to examine them. "Confound it!

Ay, but there's things I see an' hear 'at maks me lauch, an' that's the other side o' humour." "I never heard it put sae plain afore," said T'nowhead, "an', sal, am no nane sure but what am a humorist too." "Na, na, no you, T'nowhead," said Tammas, hotly. "Weel," continued the farmer, "I never set up for bein' a humorist, but I can juist assure ye 'at I lauch at queer things too.

"It will na cure me, then!" and she covered her head with her apron again. "Dinna speak to me; I think shame; ask Jean. Oh, Richard, I'll no be lang in this warld!!!" "Ah!" said he, "I know too well what it is now; I know, by sad experience.

Away along some hours after midnight, I would hear some of the boys coming in from the still, letting out keen, piercing whoops that could be heard nearly a mile. "The swats sae reamed in every noddle, They cared na rebs nor guards a boddle." I took just one little taste of the stuff, from Sam Ralston's canteen.

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