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Updated: September 7, 2024

Yell hae heard o' the muckle kist o' gowd that Sir Arthur has fund down by at St. Ruth? He'll be grander than ever now he'll no can haud down his head to sneeze, for fear o' seeing his shoon." "Ou ay a' the country's heard o' that; but auld Edie says that they ca' it ten times mair than ever was o't, and he saw them howk it up. Od, it would be lang or a puir body that needed it got sic a windfa'."

"Ay, woman, ye ken little o' the wickedness o' great toons hoo they lie in wait at ilka corner, wi' their gins and their snares and their pits that they howk to catch the unwary yowth," said Andrew, in something of the pride of superior knowledge. From this elevation, however, he was presently pulled down in a rather ignominious fashion by his more plain-spoken though not a whit more honest wife.

I mean, that being a lady, and with right and honourable feelings, as our house always has had, I felt it my duty to snub him, and howk him, and peck him continually, to keep him at his proper distance; and, to tell the truth, I once pecked him a little too hard, poor fellow, and he tumbled backwards off the rock, and really, it was very unfortunate, but it was not my fault a shark coming by saw him flapping, and snapped him up.

'Eh! that his puir mother, that died in grief and in doubt about him, had but lived to see this day! exclaimed some female voices. 'But we'll help him to his ain, kimmers, cried others; 'and before Glossin sail keep the Place of Ellangowan we'll howk him out o't wi' our nails!

S'pose we howk them ashore?" "Cliffs two hundred foot high," said Harman, "not a chanst. We're dished." Said Blood: "There's only one thing left. We'll walk the dollars down to the boat and row off with them. Of course we'll be stopped; still, there's the chance that Gunderman may be drunk or something. It's one chance in a hundred billion it's the only one."

When he had no home, I housed him, and when he could find no one to serve him, I gave him slaves. I have banished his enemies, and imprisoned those he hated. After his wife had died, and none came near him, and he was left to howk out her grave with his own hands, I gave him prisoners to bury her, and when he was done with them I set them free. All these years I have heaped fortune upon him.

He began to howk and dig under the bank; an' God be near me, thought I, this maun be the unblessed spirit of auld Adam Gowdgowpin the miser, who is doomed to dig for shipwrecked treasure, and count how many millions are hidden for ever from man's enjoyment.

Yell hae heard o' the muckle kist o' gowd that Sir Arthur has fund down by at St. Ruth? He'll be grander than ever now he'll no can haud down his head to sneeze, for fear o' seeing his shoon." "Ou ay a' the country's heard o' that; but auld Edie says that they ca' it ten times mair than ever was o't, and he saw them howk it up. Od, it would be lang or a puir body that needed it got sic a windfa'."

There's our auld barn: I would mak the clay-cats, an' we might pit up a lum; an' I would help Jock to howk a hole i' the wa', an' it wouldna tak muckle to get a windock; an' an' I've forgotten what I was gaun to say; but I'm sure we can pit up the lum; an' the woman canna lie out by."

There are six of these companies, calling themselves "Yong Wong," "Howk Wah," "Sam Yup," "Yen Wah," "Kong Chow," and "Yong Woh." They are benevolent societies; each looks after the people who come from the province or district for whose behalf it is formed. When a ship comes into port with Chinese, the agents of the companies board it, and each takes the names of those who belong to his province.

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