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When she discovered the Iroquois, which she was sure to do by the scents if any were near, she barked furiously, and ran at once straight to the fort, followed by the rest. The Jesuit chronicler adds, with an amusing naivete, that, while this was her duty, "her natural inclination was for hunting squirrels." "Son attrait naturel estoit la chasse aux ecurieux."

Sir Robert Knolles was sore displeased in that he might not go to slay them all: but the king would not consent thereto, but said he would be revenged of them well enough; and so he was after. 'Qui estoit des draps du roy. He owned large estates in Essex and also shops in London. He became one of the councillors of Richard II.

Of this miserable food they succeeded in collecting five or six hundred bushels. Lettre de Chaumonot a Lalemant, Superieur a Quebec, Isle de St. Joseph, 1 Juin, 1649. "Vne mere s'est veue, n'ayant que ses deux mamelles, mais sans suc et sans laict, qui toutefois estoit l'vnique chose qu'elle eust peu presenter a trois ou quatre enfans qui pleuroient y estans attachez.

"Thanks, Signor," answered Montreal, maliciously, "but I, also, perhaps, have my own affairs to watch over. Adieu! I shall seek you at the earliest occasion. Fair night, and gentle dreams! 'Robers Bertrams qui estoit tors Mais a ceval estoit mult fors Cil avoit o lui grans effors Multi ot 'homes per lui mors."

La Salle himself says, "La hauteur nous a fait remarquer... que ce que nous avons vue, le sixieme janvier, estoit en effet la principale entree de la riviere que nous cherchions." As Joutel, with a boat's crew, was vainly trying to land, a party of Indians swam out through the surf, and were taken on board; but La Salle could learn nothing from them, as their language was wholly unknown to him.

He bade her once more to be good, and that God would help her; then he told her the sad story of her own suffering country, la pitie qui estoit au royaume de France. Was it the pity of heaven that the archangel reported to the little trembling girl, or only that which woke with the word in her own childish soul? He has chosen the small things of this world to confound the great.

Il nous fallut abandonner ce lieu, que ie puis appeller nostre seconde Patrie et nos delices innocentes, puis qu'il auoit este le berceau de ce Christianisme, qu'il estoit le temple de Dieu et la maison des seruiteurs de Iesus-Christ; et crainte que nos ennemis trop impies, ne profanassent ce lieu de sainctete et n'en prissent leur auantage, nous y mismes le feu nous mesmes, et nous vismes brusler a nos yeux, en moins d'vne heure, nos trauaux de neuf et de dix ans."

D'amour, de grace, et de haulte valeur Les feux divins estoient ceinctz et les cieulx S'estoient vestuz d'un manteau precieux A raiz ardens di diverse couleur: Tout estoit plein de beaute, de bonheur, La mer tranquille, et le vent gracieulx, Quand celle la nasquit en ces bas lieux Qui a pille du monde tout l'honneur.

She cried, weeping and helpless, terrified to the bottom of her soul What was she that she should do this? a little girl, able to guide nothing but her needle or her distaff, to lend her simple aid in nursing a sick child. But behind all her fright and hesitation, her heart was filled with the emotion thus suggested to her the immeasurable pitie que estoit au royaume de France.

Il sçavoit manier la régle et le compas, Parloit de la lumière et ne l'entendoit pas; Il estoit de l'antique un assez bon copiste, Mais sans invention, et mauvais coloriste. Il ne pouvait marcher que sur le pas d'autruy: Le génie a manqué, c'est un malheur pour luy.