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Updated: September 28, 2024

But you cannot plant an oak in a flowerpot; she must have earth for her root, and heaven for her branches. "'Imperium Oceano, famam quoe terminet astris. "Rome was said to be broken by her own weight, but poetically; for that weight by which she was pretended to be ruined was supported in her emperors by a far slighter foundation.

"The days of man are numbered, and his life-time short and irrecoverable; but to increase his renown by the quality of his acts, this is the work of virtue...." Famam extendere factis: no fabulous personage of antiquity made more haste than Guynemer to multiply the exploits that increased his glory.

Theocritus and Ovid in turn lament the short life of Adonis, whose blood was changed into flowers. And in Virgil the father of the gods, whom Pallas supplicates before facing Turnus, warns him not to confound the beauty of life with its length: Stat sua cuique dies; breve et irreparabile tempus Omnibus est vitae; sed famam extendere factis, Hoc virtutis opus. . .

It reads: Nascetur pulchra Troianus origine Caesar, Imperium Oceano, famam qui terminet astris, Iulius, a magno demissum nomen Iulo. Hunc tu olim caelo, spoliis Orientis onustum, Accipies secura; uocabitur his quoque uotis.

A general expectation attending him, as it were, on his return. Nullis sermonibus. Ablative of cause. Elegit. Perf. to denote what has in fact taken place. X. In comparationem. Cf. in suam famam, 8, note. Perdomita est. Completely subdued. Rerum fide==faithfully and truly; lit. with fidelity to facts. Britannia.

But can this be the river whose virtues are extolled by: Virgil, Horace, Martial, Statius, Propertius, Strabo, Pliny, Varro and Coramella? What a constellation of names around these short-lived waters! Truly, minuit praesentia famam, as Boccaccio says of the once-renowned Sebethus. Often have I visited this site and tried to reconstruct its vanished glories.

Sed certe Auctor fecit talem descriptionem tam laudabiliter quam prudenter, ut heic implicite tangeret originem famosae stirpis istius, et ut daret meritam famam et laudem huic mulieri dignissimae. A literal translation will afford the most telling comment on the nature of the Italian version.

Integritatem atque abstinentiam in tanto viro referre, injuria virtutum fuerit. Ne famam quidem, cui etiam saepe boni indulgent, ostentanda virtute, aut per artem quaesivit: procul ab aemulatione adversus collegas, procul a contentione adversus procuratores, et vincere inglorium, et atteri sordidum arbitrabatur.

Ann. 14, 32. His. 4, 68. Habuerunt exemplorum. Had room for exertion and so for setting a good example, cf. Ann. 13, 8: videbaturque locus virtutibus patefactus. The position of habuerunt is emphatic, as if he had said: then had virtues, etc. See Rit. in loc. Communicabat, sc. cum A. Ex eventu, from the event, i.e. in consequence of his success. In suam famam. Cf. in jactationem, 5, note.

Nec Agricola, prosperitate rerum in vanitatem usus, expeditionem aut victoriam vocabat victos continuisse: ne laureatis quidem gesta prosecutus est: sed ipsa dissimulatione famae famam auxit, aestimantibus, quanta futuri spe tam magna tacuisset.

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