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One sees more men in Germany who give the impression that they could not by any possibility ever have been boys than with us. They begin to look cramped at thirty, and they are stiff at fifty, as though they had been fed on a diet of circumspection, caution, and obedience. They are drilled early and they soon become amenable, and then even indulgent, toward the drill-master.

This one was not quite a fool, only had not outlived her youthful illusions. An ardent desire to attain anything goes far towards success. Fearful of being thought forward, yet longing to please, she seemed to awaken an interest in Lord Bromley; though he talked playfully to all three, his indulgent smile was for Bluebell.

He had a host of friends among the students. Bill, on the other hand, was not in the least brilliant, and he had to work hard to get his lessons, and they went with different crowds of fellows. "Their father, as I told you, was rich, and he was also indulgent. He gave the boys a larger allowance of spending money than was good for them.

"There can nothing injure me here, Monsieur, not with Cassion traveling to the Illinois. No doubt he will leave behind him those who will observe my movements that cannot harm." "It is Hugo Chevet, I fear." "Chevet! my uncle I do not understand." "No, for he is your uncle, and you know him only in such relationship. He may have been to you kind and indulgent. I do not ask.

"Oh, to think I have to stand for all that rot!" he bleated. I was too wise to say a word. I simply motioned James to switch the car around and back up. I shooed Jones into the tonneau and turned the knob on him. He snuggled back in the cushions, and smiled yes, smiled with a beautiful, blue-eyed, faraway, indulgent expression that warmed me like spring sunshine.

Monsieur 'Illiard has had the misfortune to make a bad impression, by placing her in an uncomfortable position, and have you not observed the air with which she has bowed to him to-day as he passed? It was not, to say the least of it, encouraging." Bridgie laughed, a little, tender, indulgent laugh. "But it was very pretty all the same, and sort of encouraging discouraging, don't you think?

I intended to go this afternoon; but if you feel more like it now, we can be off at once." "I do! I do! I'll come in fifteen minutes, uncle. I must just scrabble my room to rights, for Phebe has got a great deal to do." Rose caught up the rugs and vanished as she spoke, while Dr. Alec went in, saying to himself, with an indulgent smile,

"You were to have danced this one with him, then?" She laughed. "It is a childish arrangement of ours," she said; "we agreed, long ago, always to dance the first quadrille together, and everybody knows of it, so no one asks me for that." "I wonder at his being willing to miss his privilege to-night; you must be very indulgent, not to punish him."

By good nature, I mean that true benevolence, which partakes in the felicity of every individual within the reach of its ability, which relieves the distressed, comforts the afflicted, diffuses blessings, and communicates happiness, far as its sphere of action can extend; and which, in the private scenes of life, will shine conspicuous in the dutiful son, in the affectionate husband, the indulgent father, the faithful friend, and in the compassionate master both to man and beast.

But from that same provision of understanding, there springs in us compassion, charity, indignation, the sense of solidarity; and in minds of any largeness an inclination to that indulgence which is next door to affection. I don't mean to say that I am inclined to an indulgent view of the precious couple which broke in upon an unsuspecting girl. It must have been startling enough to them.

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