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Updated: September 27, 2024

The judgement, therefore, seems to me to have been wrong, in that the Court repelled that defence. I am now to record a very curious incident in Dr. Johnson's Life, which fell under my own observation; of which pars magna fui, and which I am persuaded will, with the liberal-minded, be much to his credit.

"You see my prediction as to the result of the election has been justified?" "You might even say pars magna fui." The retort slipped out. The impudent challenge had to be met. The Professor did not realize how contemptuously he spoke. The womanish weakness in Hutchings sprang to hurried attack. "At any rate you've no cause for reproach. I resigned chiefly to shield you.

As I was in the headquarters of it, knew of what it was composed, and as one of the most active of its very small number, might say without undue assumption, quorum pars magna fui, it belongs to me more than to most others, to give some account of it.

"You see my prediction as to the result of the election has been justified?" "You might even say pars magna fui." The retort slipped out. The impudent challenge had to be met. The Professor did not realize how contemptuously he spoke. The womanish weakness in Hutchings sprang to hurried attack. "At any rate you've no cause for reproach. I resigned chiefly to shield you.

Obedient, therefore, to my Superior, I wrote, in this our cell of Pluscarden, a Latin book containing the histories of times past, but when I came to tell of matters wherein, as Maro says, "pars magna fui," I grew weary of such rude, barbarous Latin as alone I am skilled to indite, for of the manner Ciceronian, as it is now practised by clerks of Italy, I am not master: my book, therefore, I left unfinished, breaking off in the middle of a sentence.

Massenet's "Elegie," as I afterwards learned a hush fell over the room and we three men sat staring at the sweet upturned profile, as her lovely throat gave forth the tender sad refrain: "Oh doux printemps d'autrefois, vertes saisons ou Vous avez fui pour toujours Je ne vois plus le ciel bleu Je n'entends plus les chants joyeux des oiseaux En emportant mon bonheur, O bien aimé tu t'en es allé Et c'est en vain que revient le printemps."

"Quando fui desto da certi rumori Di buon sonagli ed allettar di cani" he began to blink; with the quick direction to the huntsman "Deh, vanne innanzi, presto Capellaio," he stifled a smile. But the calling of the hounds by their names broke down his guard. Angioletto shrilled them out in a high, boyish voice

Johnson's Life, which fell under my own observation; of which pars magna fui, and which I am persuaded will, with the liberal-minded, be much to his credit. My desire of being acquainted with celebrated men of every description, had made me, much about the same time, obtain an introduction to Dr. Samuel Johnson and to John Wilkes, Esq.

The American cowboy is the most modern representative of a human industry that is second to very few in antiquity. Julius Caesar struck the note of real history: Quorum pars magna fui "Of which I was a great part." If we are to seek the actual truth, we ought most to value contemporary records, representations made by men who were themselves a part of the scenes which they describe.

Bishop Spotswood allegeth his words anent the abolishing of these festival days, thus: Ego neque suasor neque impulsor fui, atque hoc testatum volo, si mihi delata optio, &c. Whereas the words in that epistle lie thus: Ego tametsi neque suasor, neque impulsor fui, sic tamen accidisse non moleste fero. Quod si statum nostrae ecclesiae aeque compertum haberes, non dubitares meo judicio subscribere.

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