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Updated: September 20, 2024

This cascade recalled to my memory one I had seen about a year before, when exploring the environs of Tuxtla, in the Terre-Chaude viz., the Fall of Ingénio one which would be reckoned among the most celebrated in the world, if access to it was not rendered almost impossible by the wilderness.

By Francis Meres, Maister of Arts in both Universities. On the title-page is the motto 'Vivitur ingenio, cetera mortis erunt. It was printed by P. Short for Cuthbert Burbie.

-Vos, qui regalis cordons custodias Agitatis, ite actutum in frundiferos locos, Ingenio arbusta ubi nata sunt, non obsita-; Or the famous words, which in the -Hector Profisciscens- Hector addresses to Priam: -Laetus sum laudari me abs te, pater, a laudato viro; and the charming verse from the -Tarentilla-; -Alii adnutat, alii adnictat; alium amat, alium tenet. III. XIV. Political Neutrality

Ex quo haud dubium esse reor, quod etiam in libro de animi immortalite scripsi, barbaros ingenio nobis haud esse inferiores: quandoquidem sub Brumæ cælo divisa toto orbe Britannia duos tam clari ingenii viros emiserit." De Subtilitate, p. 444. Ibid., p. 142. p. 369. The fame of Scots as judges of precious stones had spread to Italy before Cardan's time.

"Magnus animus remissius loquitur, et securius . . . non est alius ingenio, alius ammo color;" There is not one complexion for the wit and another for the mind." he must be convinced at his own expense; and he in some sort discovers that he was hard pressed by his enemy.

They have, as well, I understand, as the gentlemen of Martinique, discovered the worth of the 'division of labour. Throughout the West Indies the planter is usually not merely a sugar-grower, but a sugar-maker also. He requires, therefore, two capitals, and two intellects likewise, one for his cane-fields, the other for his 'ingenio, engine-house, or sugar-works.

The oldest book I possess on the apple is "Vinetum Britannicum: or, a Treatise of Cider," published in London in 1676; it treats also of other beverages made from fruits and of "the newly-invented ingenio or mill, for the more expeditious and better making of cider." It is the custom to call the apple Pyrus Malus.

He doubtless in most instances convinces himself that he has really detected some flaw in the theory of gravitation. Yet it is impossible not to recognise, as the real motive of every paradox-monger, the desire to have that said of him which has been said of Newton: 'Genus humanum ingenio superavit.

"I have taken some pains to make it my masterpiece in English." Preface to Second Miscellany. Fox said that it "was better than the original." J.C. Scaliger said of Erasmus: "Ex alieno ingenio poeta, ex suo versificator." In one of the last letters he ever wrote, thanking his cousin Mrs.

-Repente ad studium hunc se applicasse musicum Amicum ingenio fretum, haud natura sua-. And in the later prologue to the -Adelphi- he says

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