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Updated: September 6, 2024

Here is an inventory of its contents, which, with itself, Jodoque laid down with considerable effect: Imprimis, one piece of cloth, on the use of which Jodoque gave an essay. Item, three cards of knitting-wool, for mittens. Item and finis, one white rabbit, the skin of which, Jodoque suggested, would make him a cap. "Good!" said Bertha; "Jodoque," she added. "My angel!"

Imprimis, fifty feet high in his socks; then, chest modelled after the Thames Tunnel then, legs with roots to 'em, to stay in one place; then, arms three feet through the wrist; no heart at all, brass forehead, and about a quarter of an acre of fine brains; and let me see shall I order eyes to see outwards? No, but put a sky-light on top of his head to illuminate inwards.

His manner was as cheerful as only that of a man who has struggled hard to repress a fit of violent profanity can be for the meeting at Henry D. Feldman's office had been fraught with many nerve-racking incidents. Imprimis, there had been Feldman's retainer, a generous one, and then had come the discussion of the building-loan agreement with Milton M. Sugarman, attorney for the I. O. M. A.

Imprimis: I am a man who, from his youth upwards, has been filled with a profound conviction that the easiest way of life is the best. Hence, though I belong to a profession proverbially energetic and nervous, even to turbulence, at times, yet nothing of that sort have I ever suffered to invade my peace.

The net result of his three years at King's was imprimis, a cricket blue, including a rather lucky eighty-three at Lord's; secondly, a very poor degree; thirdly and lastly, a taste for literature and the drama he had been a prominent member of the Footlights Club.

There is no money now in the trade," retorted the other, a young man who eyed Lucien curiously. "Imprimis, you owe me fifty francs," Lousteau continued. "There are two copies of Travels in Egypt here, a marvel, so they say, swarming with woodcuts, sure to sell. Finot has been paid for two reviews that I am to write for him.

"Jews and oh! pulverem Olympicum collegisse juvat, my dear mother, which means that it is a pleasure to take a pinch out of a brave man's snuff-box. I say, mother, put down the posset. Yes, I'll take it; I will, indeed. Now, then, sit here, that's right, and tell me all you know about this famous old Captain. Imprimis, he is older than my father?" "To be sure!" exclaimed my mother, indignantly.

"I will, if I like; though perhaps not quite so foolish as some other people; so listen: 'Imprimis, as saith Shakspeare Imprimis, height, full five feet four; a stature historically appertaining to great men, including Alexander of Macedon and the First Consul."

But Ellen would not take Edward from his business again the next day, and to his relief, it must be admitted declared that she could attend to further arrangements without his assistance. This she did, and Edward found her in an ecstatic state when he came home to his dinner in the evening. "We can never thank the doctor enough," she exclaimed imprimis, meeting her husband at the door.

Mr. Brandon was, indeed, a barrister of considerable reputation, and in high esteem in the world, not only for talent, but also for a great austerity of manners, which, though a little mingled with sternness and acerbity for the errors of other men, was naturally thought the more praiseworthy on that account; there being, as persons of experience are doubtless aware, two divisions in the first class of morality, imprimis, a great hatred for the vices of one's neighbour; secondly, the possession of virtues in one's self.

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