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Updated: January 1, 2025
It was upon account of these two marriages, that the following Latin distich was made: Bella gerant alii, Tu felix Austria nube; Nam qua, Mars aliis; dat tibi regna Venus.
"Ah, what a thing it is to have no one to whom to say a friendly word when it is so cold! and my poor mistress! to come on foot all the way from the Hotel de Nevers. Ah, amore! qui regna amore!" "Come, Italian, wheel about, I tell thee. Let me hear no more of thy musical tongue." "Ah, Santa Maria! What a harsh voice, dear Grandchamp!
Very well, Monsieur Camors, now you see my little domain 'mea paupera regna' the retreat of the sage. Here I live, and live happily, like an old shepherd in the golden age loved by my neighbors, which is not easy; and venerating the gods, which is perhaps easier. Ah, young sir, as you read Virgil, you will excuse me once more.
Very well, Monsieur Camors, now you see my little domain 'mea paupera regna' the retreat of the sage. Here I live, and live happily, like an old shepherd in the golden age loved by my neighbors, which is not easy; and venerating the gods, which is perhaps easier. Ah, young sir, as you read Virgil, you will excuse me once more.
"Ah, what a thing it is to have no one to whom to say a friendly word when it is so cold! and my poor mistress! to come on foot all the way from the Hotel de Nevers. Ah, amore! qui regna amore!" "Come, Italian, wheel about, I tell thee. Let me hear no more of thy musical tongue." "Ah, Santa Maria! What a harsh voice, dear Grandchamp!
Thus that house was aggrandised by a war which was to itself most disastrous. But Austria has often found other means of extending her dominion than military triumphs, as is recorded in the celebrated distich of Mathias Corvinus: "Bella gerunt alli, to felix Austria nube; Nam quae Mars allis, dat tibi regna Venus."
He clenched his hands in his distress, and, as a flicker from the brazier fell upon him, those standing near saw the tears run down his cheeks. "Nicholas qui omnem terram doctrina replevisti, intercede pro peccatis nostris," said the officiant; and the monks gave the antiphon: "Iste est qui contempsit vitam mundi et pervenit ad coelestia regna."
It may be as well to add, that, on wishing Lord Vargrave good-night, Mr. Winsley whispered in his ear, "Your lordship's friend, Lord Staunch, need be under no apprehension, we are all right!" THIS is the house, sir. Love's Pilgrimage, Act iv, sc. 2. Redeunt Saturnia regna.* VIRGIL. * "A former state of things returns."
Jam redit et virgo, redeunt Saturnia regna.... Alter erit tum Tiphys, et altera quæ vehat Argo Delectos heroas; erunt quoque altera bella, Atque iterum ad Troiam magnus mittetur Achilles.
Thus that house was aggrandised by a war which was to itself most disastrous. But Austria has often found other means of extending her dominion than military triumphs, as is recorded in the celebrated distich of Mathias Corvinus: "Bella gerunt alli, to felix Austria nube; Nam quae Mars allis, dat tibi regna Venus."
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