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Updated: December 23, 2024

And round about the stone coffin these verses were graven, in the Latin tongue, being, according as it is said, composed by King Don Alfonso himself. And upon his tomb he ordered these verses to be graven also: QUANTUM ROMA POTENS BELLICIS EXTOLLITUR ACTIS, VIVAX ARTHURUS FIT GLORIA QUANTUM BRITANNIS, NOBILIS E CAROLO QUANTUM GAUDET FRANCIA MAGNO, TANTUM IBERIA DURIS CID INVICTOS CLARET.

But to pass by these matters, which are full of uncertainty, and not so important as to be worth our time to insist on them, the original constitution of the priests, called Pontifices, is ascribed unto Numa, and he himself was, it is said, the first of them; and that they have the name of Pontifices from potens, powerful, because they attend the service of the gods, who have power and command over all.

Male rats and female rats, I conjure you, by the great God, to go out of my house, out of all my habitations, and to betake yourselves to such and such a place, there to end your days. Decretis, reversis et desembarassis virgo potens, clemens, justitiae."

The Pontifices are so called, according to some authorities, because they worship the gods, who are powerful and almighty; for powerful in Latin is potens. Others say that it refers to an exception made in favour of possibilities, meaning that the legislator ordered the priests to perform what services lay in their power, and did not deny that there are some which they cannot.

With a spirit that did not murmur, he saw the earth closed over both graves; but at Graham's he lingered; and when the funeral stone shut even the sod that covered him from his eyes, with his sword's point he drew on the surface these memorable words: "Mente manuque potens, et Walli fidus Achates. Conditus hic Gramus, bello interfectus ab Anglis."

Prince Charles Buonaparte, nephew to the late Emperor Napoleon, aided by some of the most scientific gentlemen of Pennsylvania, is continuing this valuable and interesting publication. New York, with great propriety, may be called the commercial capital of the new world: Urbs augusta potens, nulli cessura. Ere long it will be on the coast of North America what Tyre once was on that of Syria.

Omnes pro deo adorant bouem, vnde et quilibet in fronte argenteam seu auream similitudinem bouis defert, et si quem viuum in praelio ceperint, sine vlla miseratione manducant. Rex multum est diues et potens, ac deuotus in superstitione. Nam circa collum gestat trecentas orientales margaritas, quibus quotidie ante commestionem orationes suas colligit, quemadmodum nos colligimus, Pater noster, etc.

A collection of the Latin appellations which were bestowed upon the Madonna during this time contains the following terms, which reveal the fervor and temper of the age: Dei genitrix, virgo virginum, mater Christi, mater divinæ gratiæ, mater potens, speculum justitiæ, vas spirituale, rosa mystica, turris davidica, domus aurea, janua coeli, regina peccatorum, regina apostolorum, consolatrix afflictorum, and regina sanctorum omnium.

In a numerous court, that the Chief-Justice should have a prevalent and gracious authority, as first among equals, to adjust, arrange, and facilitate the coöperative working of its members, will not be doubted. For more than sixty years, at least, this court had felt this authority potens et lenis dominatio in the presence of the two celebrated Chief-Justices who filled out this long service.

"I trust that this is true, and that Apollo will not seem jealous. If I return in triumph, I will offer him such a hecatomb as no god has had so far." Scevinus fell to repeating the lines of Horace: "Sic te diva potens Cypri, Sic fratres Helenæ, lucida sidera, Ventorumque regat Pater-" "The vessel is ready at Naples," said Cæsar. "I should like to go even tomorrow."

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