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Updated: December 9, 2024

The phrase is elliptic; in full it would be 'cum maxime conficio orationes, nunc conficio', 'when I most of all compose speeches, I now compose them'; i.e. 'the time when I most of all compose is now'. The words cum maxime generally follow tum or nunc and add emphasis to those words, but are sometimes used alone to express the ideas 'then' and 'now' more emphatically than tum and nunc would. Cf.

Tertullian, among other Jewish rites and customs, such as feasts, sabbaths, fasts, and unleavened bread, mentions "orationes literales," that is, prayers by the river-side. "After the most straitest sect of our religion, I lived a Pharisee." Joseph. de Bell. lib. i. c. 5, sect. 2.

Under Tiberius their numbers had increased to fifty thousand; they had synagogues in Rome, Genoa and Naples, and it is noticeable that their places of worship were always built upon the shore of the sea, or the bank of a river, whence their religious services came to be termed 'orationes littorales' which one might roughly translate as 'alongshore prayers.

Confer orationes Regis furiosissimi, when he collared me readin' 'Don Juan." "'Course he kissed her," said McTurk. "In the middle of the street. With his house-cap on!" "Time, 3.57 p.m. Make a note o' that. What d'you mean, Beetle?" said Stalky. "Well! He's a truthful little beast. He may say he was kissed." "And then?" "Why, then!" Beetle capered at the mere thought of it. "Don't you see?

Omnes pro deo adorant bouem, vnde et quilibet in fronte argenteam seu auream similitudinem bouis defert, et si quem viuum in praelio ceperint, sine vlla miseratione manducant. Rex multum est diues et potens, ac deuotus in superstitione. Nam circa collum gestat trecentas orientales margaritas, quibus quotidie ante commestionem orationes suas colligit, quemadmodum nos colligimus, Pater noster, etc.

She closed M.T. Ciceronis Orationes Selectæ, gathered together her other paraphernalia, and then she said suddenly: "I may leave school next week, Mr. Queed. I don't think I'm going to graduate." He looked up, surprised and displeased. "Why on earth do you think that?" "Well, you see, they don't think I'm strong enough to keep up the work right now.

Et quoniam in equo albo ei Angelus apparuit, qui etiam ante passum praedicti maris nouem orationes Deo facere iussit, ideo successores vsque hodie diligunt equos albos, et nouenarium numerum habent prae caeteris in gratia.

Dolet's Orationes ad Tholosam appeared through the hand of a friend, but with the most transparent figments. There was, therefore, abundant precedent for denying authorship. But there is a difference between the light veil of modesty and clouds of dust raised in apprehension.

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