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Updated: December 13, 2024
In one, he hath put the Levers, with this motto, "Olim." In another the Ashtons, with this, "Heri." In the next his own, with this, "Hodie." In the fourth nothing but this motto, "Cras nescio cujus."
Et quisquis per aliquos dies potat ieiuno stomacho sanatur in breui tempore, a quacunque interiori infirmitate, languore duntaxat mortis excepto: et sane illorum qui prope sunt, et frequenter bibunt apparet per totum vitae tempus mira iuuentus. Ego autem ter vel quater bibi, quamobrem et vsque hodie arbitror potius me corporaliter valere.
As they were going, Sidsall came out in a white tarlatan dress worked with sprays of yellow barley, her face glowing with color, and sat on the steps. "Positively," her mother said, looking down on the mass of bright chestnut hair in a chenille net, "we'll soon have to have you up in braids." "I wish I might," she responded. "And Hodie is too silly I can't get her to lace me tightly enough.
What would he say in this century when dynasties fail like autumn leaves, and it takes much less than thirty years to destroy the giants of power; when the exile of to-day repeats to the exile of the morrow the motto of the churchyard: Hodie mihi, eras tibi?
Quintus Cobilacan, qui etiam fuit Christianus, et regnauit 42. annis, et aedificauit magnam ciuitatem Iong, maiorem satis vrbe Roma, in qua et continetur valde nobile palatium Imperiale. Hinc vsque hodie omnes successores paganismo foedantur.
Life in general is but a vast brigandage. Nature devours herself; matter is kept alive by passing from one stomach into another. At the banquet of life, each is in turn the guest and the dish; the eater of to-day becomes the eaten of tomorrow; hodie tibi, cras mihi. Everything lives on that which lives or has lived; everything is parasitism.
In one, he hath put the Levers, with this motto, "Olim." In another the Ashtons, with this, "Heri." In the next his own, with this, "Hodie." In the fourth nothing but this motto, "Cras nescio cujus."
Et quoniam in equo albo ei Angelus apparuit, qui etiam ante passum praedicti maris nouem orationes Deo facere iussit, ideo successores vsque hodie diligunt equos albos, et nouenarium numerum habent prae caeteris in gratia.
Yet life was something like that she took the happenings of each day and wove them into a strand dark and bright: a strand, she realized, that grew stronger as it lengthened.... That would be true of everyone of her companion and grandfather and Hodie. They reached the house as the family were gathering in the dining room, when Sidsall found Roger Brevard unexpectedly staying for supper.
Et addit, Iudaeos falsissime vsque hodie nos Christianos suo mendacio decipere, quo dicunt se Iesu crucifixisse quem non tetegerunt. Hinc errorem tenent Sarraceni obstinati: et quoddam argumentum inire conantur.
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