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Updated: December 31, 2024

Gignuntur in ea insula accipitres ita nigri, vt coruorum similitudinem mirum in modum exprimant, perdices autem et aquilæ sunt nigri coloris. The same in English. This land he called Prima vista, that is to say, First seene, because as I suppose it was that part whereof they had the first sight from sea.

The words of the chronicler will give you some idea of this first church: "Ecclesiam Sancti Viti quam Sanctus Wenceslaus construxerat ad similitudinem Romanae ecclesiae rotundam." This building was yet unfinished when Wenceslaus was martyred. The body of the saint was conveyed from Stara Boleslav to St. Vitus for burial, and this was not allowed to pass without a miraculous manifestation.

Margaret was employed on tapestry-work; Doucebelle in plain sewing; and Beatrice with her delicate embroidery. "Father," said Beatrice, looking up suddenly, "I was taught that it was sin to make images of created things, on account of the words of the second commandment. What do you say?" "`Non fades tibi sculptile, neque omnem similitudinem," murmured Bruno, reflectively.

Luke v. 36-38: Dicebat autem et similitudinem ad illos quia nemo commissuram a vestimento novo inmittit in vestimentum vetus.... Et nemo mittit vinum novum in utres veteres.... Sed vinum novum in utres novos mittendum est. It is observed that Tertullian does not quote verse 39, which is omitted by D, a, b, c, c, ff, l, and perhaps, also by Eusebius.

The letter is numbered 82 in the edition of Don Vicente, and 23 in the fourth volume of the edition of Doblado. 1 St. Peter iv. 13: "Communicantes Christi passionibus, gaudete." See section 4, above. The monastery of Paterna, of the unreformed Carmelites. St. Matt. xvi. 16: "Tu es Christus, Filius Dei vivi." Gen. i. 26: "Ad imaginem et similitudinem Nostram." Fra Jerome Gratian.

Immo sunt qui maximam similitudinem inter Canticum Canticorum et Theocriti Idyllia esse statuant ... quod iisdem fere videtur esse verbis, loquendi formulis, similibus, transitu, figuris. If these resemblances were so very striking, then, as argued in the text of this essay, the Idylls of Theocritus ought to resemble the Egyptian poems. This, however, they utterly fail to do.

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