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Updated: September 1, 2024

He sees his enemies as a sect. It is especially the Dominicans and the Carmelites who are ill-affected towards the new scientific theology. Just then a new adversary had arisen at Louvain in the person of his compatriot Nicholas of Egmond, prior of the Carmelites, henceforth an object of particular abhorrence to him.

The priest, too our priest at the little church at the corner of the street, where I used to go in every morning to pray on my way to market he was dragged away ten days ago to the Carmelites, and now he is a saint in heaven. How is it, sir, that God allows such things to be?" "We cannot tell," Harry said sadly. "As for myself, I can hardly believe it, though I saw it.

The stranger seemed half pleased, half distressed when he understood her invitation; he waited to sit down until the women were seated. "You are giving shelter to a reverend father who refused to take the oath, and escaped the massacres at the Carmelites by a miracle " "Hosanna!" Sister Agathe exclaimed eagerly, interrupting the stranger, while she watched him with curious eyes.

First the Archbishop of Arles was murdered; then they fell upon the others and hewed them down. The Bishops of Saintes and Beauvais were among the slain, and the assassins did not desist until the last prisoner in the Carmelites had been hacked to pieces.

I may tell you that their terror of competition has even made them intrigue against the religious Orders that have attempted to come to Lourdes. Jesuits, Dominicans, Benedictines, Capuchins, and Carmelites have made applications at various times, and the Fathers of the Grotto have always succeeded in keeping them away. They only tolerate the female Orders, and will only have one flock.

He returned a successful, not a meritorious painter. In 1660 he was at Naples, where he executed a large fresco work, 'Christ healing the Sick, for the Jesuit College. This painting, we are told, was conspicuous for its brilliant colour and forcible effect. Subsequently the artist was in France, painting the high altar of the Carmelites at Toulouse.

If there exist any creations of the artists founded on these obscure traditions, which is indeed most probable, particularly in the edifices of the Carmelites in Spain, I have not met with them.

When she saw that all the assistance of art could not stop the bleeding, with which her deep bed was flooded, she caused the King to be summoned, embraced him tenderly, in the midst of sobs and tears, and died in the night, pronouncing the name of God and the name of the King, the objects of her love and of fears. Madame de Sevigne. Madame de Grignan. Madame de Montespan at the Carmelites.

And, what is more, I learnt that he was acquainted with John Mauprat. Who can this monk be? I asked myself; why does the very sight of him frighten all the people in the country? What is he doing in Varenne? If he belongs to the Carmelite convent, why does he not wear their habit? If he is of the same order as John, why is he not staying with him at the Carmelites?

To console her, he promised to procure her admission into any Convent of the Carmelite Order in the province, that she should select. It was human policy to attack her weak side, if she had any, touching the Carmelites, and the temptation to abandon her original design was so much the more pressing, as she still had a greater desire to embrace and practise the austerities of Mt.

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