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Updated: January 3, 2025
Nam qui voluptatibus dediti quasi in diem vivunt, vivendi causas quotidie finiunt; qui vero posteros cogitant et memoriam sui operibus extendunt, his nulla mors non repentina est, ut quæ semper inchoatum aliquid abrumpat. I do not purpose to pursue these recollections further.
Dies Christo dicatos tollendos existimo judicoque, saith Danaeus quotidie nobis in evangelii proedicatione nascitur, circumciditur, moritur, resurgit Christus.
On my word you will make a scandal with your exclamations; and really I believe that will rejoice the court of France, for in the letter from my brother-in-law that Chicot repeated to me, there was these words, 'Quotidie scandalurn, which must mean 'daily scandal. It is not necessary to know Latin to understand that: it is almost French." "But, sire, to whom did these words apply?"
Ea ergo ad Eumolpum venit et commendare liberos suos eius prudentiae bonitatique . . . credere se et vota sua. Illum esse solum in toto orbe terrarum, qui praeceptis etiam salubribus instruere iuvenes quotidie posset. Ad summam, relinquere se pueros in domo Eumolpi, ut illum loquentem audirent: quae sola posset hereditas iuvenibus dari.
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