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"Dieu soit loue! tout le ciel de nostre chere Patrie nous promet de fauorables influences, iusques a ce nouuel astre, qui commence a paroistre parmy ceux de la premiere grandeur."

Kind reader, who knows how many times in your sitting-room or perhaps in somebody else's even dearer to you honi soit qui mal y pense! you have found yourself in front of a tiger, leopard or panther whose brindled and glossy skin you have admired; who knows how many times you have absently played with its head, still ferocious-looking, in spite of its glass eyes and red cloth tongue; who knows how often you have toyed with its fangs and claws whilst you were persuing a pleasant thought or inebriating your spirit with the soft tones of a certain voice!

We first repeated, "Au nom du Pere, du Fils, et du Saint Esprit Ainsi soit il." Next we repeated the ten commandments. This exercise was considered peculiarly solemn. We were told in the nunnery that a certain saint was saved by the use of it, as he never omitted it. It consists of several parts: First, the Superior read to us a chapter from a book, which occupied five minutes.

And I should be as good too, don't you see? for I shouldn't live with you, but I should be close to you just round the corner, and it would be just the same. My idea would be that it should all be perfectly open and frank. Honi soit qui mal y pense, don't you know? You're the best thing you and what we can do for you that either of us has ever known," he came back to that.

I must now, therefore, claim the "benefit of this act," and beg of the reader to let me pass from this sad portion of my history, and for the full expression of my mingled rage, contempt, disappointment, and sorrow, let me beg of him to receive instead, what a learned pope once gave as his apology for not reading a rather polysyllabic word in a Latin letter "As for this," said he, looking at the phrase in question, "soit qui'l dit," so say I. And now en route.

On which, saying with Danton 'Que mon nom soit fletri, mais que la patrie soit libre, he carried the philtre to the magistrate; laid his information; and Madame Phyllis and her male accomplice were sent to gaol as rogues and impostors. Her coloured victims looked on aghast at the audacity of English lawyers.

I have elsewhere suggested, and the suggestion has already found some acceptance, that when the variation is not definitely downward, deviation and deviate be substituted for the unnecessarily opprobrious and often inappropriate terms, degeneration and degenerate. Il marche, dort, mange et boit comme tous les autres; mais cela n'empeche pas qu'il soit fort malade. MOLIERE: Le Malade imaginaire.

With an almost inarticulate cry, he sought to draw there and then, but those about flung themselves upon us, and held us apart I, passive and unresisting; the Marquis, bellowing, struggling, and foaming at the mouth. "To meet you now would be to murder you, Marquis," I said coolly. "Send your friends to me to appoint the time." "Soit!" he cried, his eyes blazing with a hate unspeakable.

"Come a little this way; there, you can just see the roof of his house, close by the church." "I see; it is tant soit peu triste to have the church so near you." "Do you think so? Ah, but you have not seen it; it is the prettiest church in the county; and the little burial-ground so quiet, so shut in; I feel better every time I pass it. Some places breathe of religion."

[Footnote 11: 'Enfin, supposons pour un instant que le dogme de l'autre vie soit de quelqu'utilité, et qu'il retienne vraiment un petit nombre d'individus, qu'est-ce que ces foibles avantages comparés

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