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"Ma consolation parmy les Hurons, c'est que tous les iours ie me confesse, et puis ie dis la Messe, comme si ie deuois prendre le Viatique et mourir ce iour la, et ie ne crois pas qu'on puisse mieux viure, ny auec plus de satisfaction et de courage, et mesme de merites, que viure en un lieu, ou on pense pouuoir mourir tous les iours, et auoir la deuise de S. Paul, Quotidie morior, fratres, etc. mes freres, ie fais estat de mourir tous les iours."

Chapter vi. 3. Ne marchez jamais par les chemins, en mangeant, soil seul ou en compagnie, & particulierement parmy la foule de la ville. Ne vous mettez pas mesme

"Parmy" Patton? Section 14. Thyrsis went on to penetrate yet deeper into these mysteries; there came a call from Murray Symington, to say that Mrs. Jesse Dyckman wanted him to dinner. Jesse Dyckman he recognized as the name of one of the most popular contributors to the magazines his short stories of Fifth Avenue life were the delight of the readers of the "Beau Monde".

If so, there is no reason to deny that this may be the place of the wondrous birth, where, as the old French Noel has it: "Dieu parmy les pastoreaux, Sous la crêche des toreaux, Dans les champs a voulu naistre; Et non parmy les arroys Des grands princes et des roys, Lui des plus grands roys le maistre."

He got a strange impression of a personality struggling to get into contact with life from behind a wall some ten million dollars high. Mrs. Patton had three young children, and her husband was one of the "Standard Oil crowd"; she complained to Thyrsis that "Parmy" so she referred to the gentleman was always in terror over her vagaries.

(The nearest Maxim to this is one directed against excessive and awkward gesticulation in speaking, in which it is said: "Parmy les discours regardez

Je m'en vais pourmener tantost parmy la plaine, Tantost en un village, et tantost en un bois, Et tantost par les lieux solitaires et cois. J'aime fort les jardins qui sentent le sauvage, J'aime le flot de l'eau qui gazou'ille au rivage.

And particularly when they are persons of a superior rank to ourselves, with whom we ought never to dispute in any fashion. 35th. Let your Discourse with Men of Business be Short and Comprehensive. Le temps & le lieu, l'âge & la difference des personnes doivent regler tout cét vsage de compliments qui se fait parmy les plus polis, & particulierement ceux qui consistent dans les paroles.

He could have suggested that he thought it was worth five hundred dollars, and "Billy" Macintyre would have nodded and sent him a check. And then he could have moved up to town, and got a frock-coat, and paid another call upon Mrs. "Parmy" Patton.

"Dieu soit loue! tout le ciel de nostre chere Patrie nous promet de fauorables influences, iusques a ce nouuel astre, qui commence a paroistre parmy ceux de la premiere grandeur."