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"It struck me that that was the best way to show the old fellow that not only was I friendly myself, but that I took him to be a friend." "Dot ish so; but it would be as nice as nefet vos if bofe of our guns had us." "I will get mine." "Mebbe he won't lets you."

Is you de Norv'n gemman w'at's gwine ter buy de ole vimya'd?" "I am looking at it," I replied; "but I don't know that I shall care to buy unless I can be reasonably sure of making something out of it." "Well, suh, you is a stranger ter me, en I is a stranger ter you, en we is bofe strangers ter one anudder, but 'f I 'uz in yo' place, I wouldn' buy dis vimya'd." "Why not?" I asked.

Mos' ob de help in dis hotel is statulary, an' ef yo' wants to see a reel lively time 'foh yo' goes back home, go to de Zoo an' see 'em feed de Trojan Hoss, an' de Cardiff Giant. He brang bofe dem freaks to life, an' now he can't get rid ob 'em. Dat Trojan Hoss suttinly am a berry debbil.

"'Bofe eyes red, en you look like you mighty weak, Brer Tarrypin, sez Brer Fox, sezee. "'Lor', Brer Fox, you dunner w'at trubble is, sez Brer Tarrypin, sezee. "'W'at ail you now, Brer Tarrypin? sez Brer Fox, sezee. "'Tuck a walk de udder day, en man come long en sot de fiel' a-fier. Lor', Brer Fox, you dunner w'at trubble is, sez Brer Tarrypin, sezee.

Hit looks pow'ful like dey wuz gwine ter run twel dey bofe drap down daid, so I done come all dis way atter a dose er dem bitters ole miss use ter gin us befo' de wah." "Well, I never!" said Cynthia, laughing. "I believe he means the brown bitters mother used to make for chills and fever. I'm very sorry, Uncle Isam, but we haven't any. We don't keep it any longer."

"No, sah," said Sam, bowing and smiling benignantly, "but he done tole me to say, when you and Miss Alison come, hit was to make no diffunce, dat you bofe was to have supper heah. And I'se done cooked it yassah. Will you kindly step into the liba'y, suh, and Miss Alison? Dar was a lady 'crost de city, Marse Ho'ace said yassah."

"Good-bye, Elias," called the Colonel, cheerfully, as they shot out into the moonlit street; and Elias's "God bless you bofe, Marse Bill!" came to them above the rush of the horses.

"Bofe un um wuz allers atter wunner nudder, a prankin' en a pesterin' 'roun', but Brer Rabbit did had some peace, kaze Brer Fox done got skittish 'bout puttin' de clamps on Brer Rabbit.

'I'll have a warrant out foh you dis day, Geddes, you owdacious villyum! "And she done it. Yas'm. An' dey done sont de shariff atter me for witness, all two bofe o' dem." "Well, and what did you do?" I asked, curiously. I was getting a side-light on Great-Aunt Sophronisba. "Me? I got on muh knees an' wrastled wid de speret," said Uncle Adam.

"You say, Todd," he exclaimed in astonishment, "that my father was here!" Our young hero was convinced that the visit did not concern himself, as he was no longer an object of interest to any one at home except his mother and Alec. "Dat he was, sah, an' b'ilin' mad. Dey bofe was, on'y Marse George lay low an' de colonel purty nigh rid ober de top ob de fence.