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'I'll have a warrant out foh you dis day, Geddes, you owdacious villyum! "And she done it. Yas'm. An' dey done sont de shariff atter me for witness, all two bofe o' dem." "Well, and what did you do?" I asked, curiously. I was getting a side-light on Great-Aunt Sophronisba. "Me? I got on muh knees an' wrastled wid de speret," said Uncle Adam.

I understood the hint perfectly. "I am not the sheriff," I answered in an assuring tone. I was in hopes of gaining favour by the declaration: for I had already fancied that my bizarre reception might be owing to some error of this kind. "I am not the sheriff," I repeated, impressively. "Yur not the shariff? One o' his constables, then, I s'pose?"

"I wish to see him." "Lookee hyur, stranger!" and the words were accompanied by a significant look; "ef yur the shariff, Hick Holt ain't at home ye understand me? he ain't at home." The last phrase was rendered more emphatic, by the speaker, as he uttered it, raising the flap of his blanket-coat, and exhibiting a huge bowie-knife stuck through the waistband of his trousers.

This part of the building, begun about 1539, must have been carried on during João de Castilho's absence, as in 1541 he was sent to Mazagão on the Moroccan coast to build fortifications; there he made a bastion 'so strong as to be able not only to resist the Shariff, but also the Turk, so strong was it.