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Updated: November 24, 2024

She answered promptly and enclosed the half guinea, saying that Miss Betsey lived just outside of Dover, which place I at once resolved to set out for. However, I considered myself bound to remain at the warehouse until Saturday night; and as when I first came there I had been paid for a week in advance, not to present myself as usual to receive my wages.

'Betsey Hardman! exclaimed Alfred, in dismay; 'you won't let her come up here, Mother? 'Not if I can help it, said Mrs. King, sighing. If there were a thing she disliked above all others, it was Sunday visiting. 'You must help it, Mother, said Alfred, in his most pettish tones. 'I won't have her here, worrying with her voice like a hen cackling. Say you won't let her come her!

But here she boxed his ears and left the room. She returned in a moment. "You have not thanked me!" she exclaimed. "I deserve to be thanked." Hamilton put his arm about her and kissed her affectionately. "From the bottom of my heart," he said. "I deeply appreciate the impulse and the sacrifice." "But you won't heed," she said, with a sigh. "Good-by, Alexander! I think Betsey is looking for you."

Samuel had crawled into a familiar hiding place under the cinnamon rose bushes, while Betsey and Peggy had hidden beneath the low branches of the lilac, so completely concealed that they did not even see their mother come out of the same door a moment later. Here the children remained until the barns were smouldering ashes, and the Indians had fled.

Elizabeth burst radiantly into the room and was received with joyous acclaim. No matter how busy these two might be, there was never any doubt of her welcome here. "Miss Gordon, I declare!" cried the Pretender, making a deep bow. He handed her a chair and John pulled her into it. "Hello, Betsey!

And when Ralph came up to the school-house door, there was Shocky sauntering along from the other direction, throwing bits of limestone at fence rails, and smiling still clear down to his shoes at thought of the master's kind words. "What a quare boy Shocky is!" remarked Betsey Short, with a giggle. "He just likes to wander round alone. I see him a-comin' out of the sugar camp just now.

'David had bought an annuity for himself with his money, I know, said she, by and by. 'What did he do for you? 'Mr. Copperfield, said my mother, answering with some difficulty, 'was so considerate and good as to secure the reversion of a part of it to me. 'How much? asked Miss Betsey. 'A hundred and five pounds a year, said my mother. 'He might have done worse, said my aunt.

Betsey," said she, turning to one of the women, "here is a nice little fellow, whom I have brought with me to remain during the summer, of whom I want you to take the best care; for," continued she, looking at him compassionately, "the poor child has had the misfortune to break his arm recently, and he has not been strong since.

Why didn't you let us know you were coming so soon? How have you been? and what makes you so late to-night? Betsey, you needn't put on your bonnet. And oh, my dear boy, have you been to supper yet?" Mrs.

What was his mother saying? Alfred clenched his fist, and grinned anger at Betsey with closed teeth. There was the tiresome old word, 'Low ay, so's my mother; but you should rise his spirits with company, you see; that's why I came over; as soon as ever I heard that there wasn't no hope of him, says I to Mother What? What was that she had heard?

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