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Jam autem, saith he, in talium rerum usu, id edificat, quod pacificum; illud est pacificum quod est ordinatum; is autem decens ordo est in ecclesia ab ipso Christo constitutus, ut in talibus non suo quisque se gerat arbitratu, sed audiatur ecclesia, et exhibeatur praepositis obedientia.

"It was stupid of me to depress her, poor girl . . . ," he thought. "Why did I say such a lot of dreadful things? She is silly, that's true, uncivilised and narrow; but . . . there are two sides to the question, and audiatur et altera pars. . . . Perhaps people are perfectly right when they say that woman's shallowness rests on her very vocation.

But an indictment of which not even a single count proves to come within the contemplation of the law, such an indictment deserves a special, and in every sense of the word a peculiar, place on honor in the temple of jurisprudence. However, audiatur et altera pars. Let us take one last look at the motivation which the indictment offers.

So France is bowed out. But now now the Holy See must remain as impartial as an unbought mascot in a shop window.... The next column of Le Journal contained an account of the Armenian massacres; the blood of the Armenian cries out past the Holy Father to heaven; but then Armenians are after all heretics, and here again the principle of Audiatur et altera pars comes in.

"Habet autem ut obedienter audiatur quantacunque granditate dictionis majus pondus vita dicentis." As he has been dead for several years, I need not hesitate to give the name of my dear and honoured friend the Rev. James Black, of Dunnikier.

But Yegor Semyonitch began it with "Audiatur altera pars," and finished it with "Sapienti sat"; and between these two quotations a perfect torrent of venomous phrases directed "at the learned ignorance of our recognised horticultural authorities, who observe Nature from the height of their university chairs," or at Monsieur Gaucher, "whose success has been the work of the vulgar and the dilettanti."

Communications are not open with the Turks. Moreover, Armenians, like Serbs, are worse than infidels; they are heretics. Perhaps God is punishing them.... Audiatur et altera pars, and the Vatican has not forgotten the infidelity and disrespect of both France and Italy in the past. These are the things, it seems, that really matter to the Vatican.

Could anything more be done than that? Oh! in the general issue of the war, if you want a judgement on the war as a whole, how is it possible that the Vatican to decide? Surely the French know that excellent principle of justice, Audiatur et altera pars, and how under existing circumstances can the Vatican do that...? The Vatican is cut off from communication with Austria and Germany.