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Updated: January 4, 2025
And those, he said, were angels of God, and that place was Paradise, that God had behight to his friends, saying, DABO VOBIS TERRAM FLUENTEM LACTE ET MELLE. And then would he make them to drink of certain drink, whereof anon they should be drunk. And then would them think greater delight than they had before.
"I wish that you were all present, but that is not possible, because I must not let any one know. I bless you all, and ask you to pardon me if I have been wanting. Gloria Dei cum omnibus vobis." The temptation was too strong for a certain person to resist. A cavernous voice resounded through the empty church: "Amen." Don Rocco remained breathless, with his hands in the air.
are almost a translation of Palinurus' remonstrance with "the treachery of tranquil heaven." And when the poet wishes for any link which could bind him closer to the Highland maiden who has flitted across his path as a being of a different world from his own: Thine elder Brother would I be, Thy Father, anything to thee! we hear the echo of the sadder plaint Atque utinam e vobis unus
He disposed therefore of his time in such fashion, that ordinarily he did awake betwixt eight and nine o'clock, whether it was day or not, for so had his ancient governors ordained, alleging that which David saith, Vanum est vobis ante lucem surgere.
In an Encyclical of 27th April, he asked prayers for peace of all the patriarchs, primates, archbishops and bishops. “Pax vobis! pax vobis!” he painfully repeated. But it was already too late. The young and rash Emperor of Austria, driven to extremity, thought himself sufficiently strong to contend at once against France and the revolution.
Aulus Gellius, xvii, 6, speech of Cato: Principio vobis mulier magnam dotem adtulit; tum magnam pecuniam recipit, quam in viri potestatem non committit, ean pecuniam viro mutuam dat; postea, ubi irata facta est, servum recepticum sectari atque flagitare virum iubet. Paulus in Dig., 23, 3, 2. Pomponius in Dig., 24, 3, 1. Ulpian in Dig., 23, 3, 7. Tryfoninus in Dig., 23, 3, 75. Gaius, ii, 63.
Sic vos non vobis is certainly the melancholy refrain of all natural history.
They had been at San Diego last, had been lying at San Pedro nearly a month, and had received three thousand hides from the pueblo. But ``Sic vos non vobis'' these we took from her the next day, which filled us up, and we both got under way on the 4th, she bound to San Francisco again, and we to San Diego, where we arrived on the 6th.
Ut enim adulescentibus bona indole praeditis sapientes senes delectantur, leviorque fit senectus eorum qui a iuventute coluntur et diliguntur, sic adulescentes senum praeceptis gaudent, quibus ad virtutum studia ducuntur, nec minus intellego me vobis quam mihi vos esse iucundos.
These were all dreadful prodigies which filled the people with inexpressible astonishment, and the whole Roman empire with an extreme perplexity; and whatever unhappy event followed, repentance was sure to be either caused or predicted by them. Praep. Evang. l. 6. c. 9. Legi in tabulis coeli quaecunque contingent vobis et Feliis vestris.
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