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Aug., De Civat. If my posterity, nevertheless, shall be of another mind, I shall be avenged on them; for they cannot care less for me than I shall then do for them. "Ne toga cordyllis, ne penula desit olivis; Et laxas scombris saepe dabo tunicas;" Martial, xiii. And though nobody should read me, have I wasted time in entertaining myself so many idle hours in so pleasing and useful thoughts?

A narrow gallery there ran round the dome just above the frieze, on which, in letters five feet high, appeared the famous inscription: Tu es Petrus et super hanc petram oedificabo ecclesiam meam et tibi dabo claves regni coelorum.* And then, as Pierre leant over to gaze into the fearful cavity beneath him and the wide openings of nave, and aisles, and transepts, the cry, the delirious cry of the multitude, yet clamorously swarming below, struck him full in the face.

Panis quem ego dabo caro mea est; "The bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world." As many as will feed upon him, shall attain to everlasting life: they shall never die; they shall prevail against death; death shall not hurt them, because he hath lost his strength.

If His Majesty repays us so abundantly, that even in this life the reward and gain of those who serve Him become visible, what will it be in the next? Ch. xx. section 30. Ch. xx. section 34. Exod. xxiii. 15: "Non apparebis in conspectu meo vacuus." Apoc. ii. 23: "Dabo unicuique vestrum secundum opera sua." See ch. xxxii. section 1. "Farsa de esta vida tan mal concertada."

And those, he said, were angels of God, and that place was Paradise, that God had behight to his friends, saying, DABO VOBIS TERRAM FLUENTEM LACTE ET MELLE. And then would he make them to drink of certain drink, whereof anon they should be drunk. And then would them think greater delight than they had before.

"And what else should be the lot of thy accursed race?" answered the Prior; "for what saith holy writ, 'verbum Domini projecerunt, et sapientia est nulla in eis' they have cast forth the word of the Lord, and there is no wisdom in them; 'propterea dabo mulieres eorum exteris' I will give their women to strangers, that is to the Templar, as in the present matter; 'et thesauros eorum haeredibus alienis', and their treasures to others as in the present case to these honest gentlemen."

And there is a great difference in the signification of these words, Volos Hoc Tuum Esse Cras, and Cros Dabo; that is between "I will that this be thine to morrow," and, "I will give it to thee to morrow:" For the word I Will, in the former manner of speech, signifies an act of the will Present; but in the later, it signifies a promise of an act of the will to Come: and therefore the former words, being of the Present, transferre a future right; the later, that be of the Future, transferre nothing.

All that I remember is that Joseph Bertha, native of Dabo, Canton of Phalsbourg, Arrondissement of Sarrebourg, was incorporated in the Sixth regiment of the line, and that he was to join his corps the twenty-ninth of January at Mayence. This letter produced as bad an effect on me as if I had known nothing of it before. It seemed something new, and I grew angry.

Also upon the hille, that I spak of before, where oure Lord fasted 40 dayes, a 2 myle long from Galilee, is a faire hille and an highe; where the enemye, the fend, bare oure Lord, the thridde tyme, to tempte him, and schewede him alle the regiouns of the world, and seyde, Hic omnia tibi dabo, si cadens adoraveris me; that is to seyne, All this schalle I zeve the, zif thou falle and worschipe me.

A narrow gallery there ran round the dome just above the frieze, on which, in letters five feet high, appeared the famous inscription: /Tu es Petrus et super hanc petram oedificabo ecclesiam meam et tibi dabo claves regni coelorum.* And then, as Pierre leant over to gaze into the fearful cavity beneath him and the wide openings of nave, and aisles, and transepts, the cry, the delirious cry of the multitude, yet clamorously swarming below, struck him full in the face.

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