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Updated: January 2, 2025
"Paddy, Paddy! you have got to come here at once," called out Briar. Meanwhile Verena took one of his arms, Patty clasped the other, Briar danced in front, and so they conducted him into the middle of the group. "Here's your stool, Paddy," cried Briar. "Down you squat. Now then, squatty-vous." Mr. Dale took off his spectacles, wiped them and gazed around him in bewilderment.
This idea actually occurred to Razumov; his hands being released after a darkly eloquent squeeze, he smiled, with a beating heart, straight at the beard and the spectacles hiding that impenetrable man. This is a duel." Many seconds passed without a sign or sound. "Yes, yes," the great man said hurriedly, in subdued tones, as if the whole thing had been a stolen, breathless interview. "Exactly.
Monsieur Alain gently laid his book, which was much worn at the corners, on a little table with twisted legs, and signed to the young man to take another chair, removing as he did so a pair of spectacles which were hanging on the end of his nose. "Are you ill, that you have left your room at this hour?" he asked.
Since the said wig, like a piece of texture all tumbled and tangled, spread out thick and wide all over his back, it might very well be taken for the cocoon out of which the fine silkworm had crept. The worthy Splendiano Accoramboni stared through his big, bright spectacles, with his eyes wide open, first at his patient, then at Dame Caterina.
And what is very remarkable in my children is, that my three daughters and Tommy, who had the full graundee, had exactly their mother's sight, Jemmy and David had just my sight, and Pedro's sight was between both, though he was never much affected with any light; but I was obliged to make spectacles for Tommy and all my daughters when they came to go abroad.
Has she married again? 'She's revived "The Valley," and she's in New York with it, I told him. "When I wakened in the morning he was gone, but he'd left a piece of paper in a cleft stick beside me, with directions for reaching the railroad, and well, here it is." Bassett took from his pocket-book a note, and passed it over to David, who got out his spectacles with shaking hands and read it.
He banished from Rome all the Jews, who were continually making disturbances at the instigation of one Chrestus . He allowed the ambassadors of the Germans to sit at the public spectacles in the seats assigned to the senators, being induced to grant them favours by their frank and honourable conduct.
And she kept on saying, "having had tea" or "having drunk tea," and it seemed as though the only thing she had done in her life was to drink tea. The bishop slowly, languidly, recalled the seminary, the academy. For three years he had been Greek teacher in the seminary: by that time he could not read without spectacles. Then he had become a monk; he had been made a school inspector.
Queen Anne was at Greenwich, but, according to custom, the few preceding days were to be spent at the Tower; and on the 19th of May, she was conducted thither in state by the lord mayor and the city companies, with one of those splendid exhibitions upon the water which in the days when the silver Thames deserved its name, and the sun could shine down upon it out of the blue summer sky, were spectacles scarcely rivalled in gorgeousness by the world-famous wedding of the Adriatic.
"What's that?" asked the girl, immediately interested. The cobbler looked over his spectacles and smiled. "A Jew, just a plain Jew." "I don't know what a Jew is either," confessed Jinnie. Lafe groped for words to explain his meaning. "A Jew," he ventured presently, "is one of God's chosen folks. I mean one of them chose by Him to believe." "Believe what?"
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