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My spirits had been steadily recovering from the banality of their examination; and it was with a genuine and never-to-be-forgotten thrill that I remarked, as I crossed what might have been the threshold: "Mais, on est bien ici." A hideous crash nipped the last word. I had supposed the whole prison to have been utterly destroyed by earthquake, but it was only my door closing....

The canopy embroidered with pearl and gold he lies under has no virtue against a violent fit of the colic: "Nee calidae citius decedunt corpore febres Textilibus si in picturis, ostroque rubenti Jactaris, quam si plebeia in veste cubandum est."

"Observe that irritable phrase about formality. Poor thing, poor thing, the friend of my whole life! I confess the sudden determination of my whole future almost crushed me.... I confess I still had hopes, but now tout est dit. I know now that all is over. C'est terrible! Oh, that that Sunday would never come and everything would go on in the old way.

He scarcely understood a word of French, and always looked rather contemptuous when it was talked in his presence. The French actor appealed to him on some point in the conversation. He straddled his legs, uttered a loud, "Oh, wee! Oh, wee! wee!" and laughed. "Lord Holme est tout a fait de mon avis!" cried the comedian. "Evidemment," she answered, wishing Fritz would go.

As touching any ordinance of the church we say with Whittaker, Obediendum ecclesioe est sed jubents ac docenti rectaWe are to obey the church but commanding and teaching right things.

"Amor oculus est," said Master Eckhardt; love, love was not love then the highest of all human faculties, and must not the act of loving, of perceiving God's essence in some creature which had virtue, the soul's beauty, and beauty, the body's virtue, be the noblest business of a noble life?

Je vis aussi dans une halle un spectacle lamentable: c'étoient des chrétiens, hommes et femmes, que l'on vendoit. L'usagé est de les faire asseoir sur les bancs. Celui qui veut les acheter ne voit d'eux que le visage et les mains, et un peu le bras des femmes. A Damas j'avois vu vendre une fille noire, de quinze

"Il est très bien, cet Ashley," the Marquise continued, "chic distinguished no more like a wooden man than any other Englishman. Il est très bien but what a difference! two natures the one a mountain pool, fierce, deep, hemmed in all round the other the great sea. Voil

Inattention is no less indecorous in one than in the other; we may distinguish the taste appropriate to each, by the reflection that youth is made to be loved age, to be respected. A fool may dress gaudily, but a fool cannot dress well for to dress well requires judgment; and Rochefaucault says with truth, "On est quelquefois un sot avec de l'esprit, mais on ne lest jamais avec du jugement."

Taking his cue from the Roman senator, he exclaimed to his Assembly, "Delenda est Canada;" and the Assembly responded by voting to raise thirty-five hundred men, and offering a bounty equivalent to L4 sterling to each volunteer, besides a blanket for every one, and a bed for every two.