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But she would surely question him. He gave her a sidelong look, and found she was giving him the same. She said softly: "Why don't you like those cousins, Father?" Soames lifted the corner of his lip. "What made you think that?" "Cela se voit." 'That sees itself! What a way of putting it!

How Madame Frabelle loves Bruce! he went on, watching her. 'Really, Landi, I assure you you're occasionally as mistaken as she is. And she thinks I'm in love with our host. 'That's because elle voit double. I don't. 'What makes you think.... 'I read between the lines, my dear between the lines on Madame Frabelle's face. 'She hasn't any.

"Isn't it droll, the way she can't get it out of her head?" Then turning almost coaxingly to the old woman: "Voyons, look about you: they don't marry us like that." "But they do cela se voit tous les jours. Ask Mr. Dormer." "Oh never! It would be as if I asked him to give us a practical proof." "I shall never prove anything by marrying any one," Nick said. "For me that question's over."

Shorne and Mrs. Melville saw her vulgarity now! By the new light of knowledge, how certain they were that they had seen her ungentle training in a dozen little instances. 'She is not well-bred, 'cela se voit', said Lady Jocelyn. 'Bred! it's the stage! How could such a person be bred? said Mrs. Shorne.

«On voit sur la surface du terrain des portions de blocs durs qui semblent sortir peu

On voit encore des vestiges de ce désastre; et vers la porte qu'on appelle de Saint-Paul, il y a un quartier tout entier qui n'est pas rebâti.

Tel on voit cet oiseau, qui porte le tonnere, Blessé par un serpent élancé de la terre; Il s'envole, il entraine au sejour azuré L'ennemi tortueux dont il est entouré.

In her youth, she was beautiful and fascinating, with numerous lovers and numberless suitors, but she grew even more famous as her age increased; when infirm and blind, and living in a convent, she ruled by virtue of her acknowledged authority and was still able to cope with the greatest philosophers, the chief and dean of whom, Voltaire, wrote the following four lines: "Qui vous voit et qui vous entend Perd bientôt sa philosophie; Et tout sage avec Du Deffand Voudrait en fou passer sa vie."

"L'eau, qui s'y trouve ordinairement en assez grande abondance, en détacha, extraha d'un et l'autre, et les combina après tous les deux ensemble. Cette même eau les dissout derechef, et en fait de nouvelles combinaisons. C'est ce qu'on voit évidemment l

Je vis aussi dans une halle un spectacle lamentable: c'étoient des chrétiens, hommes et femmes, que l'on vendoit. L'usagé est de les faire asseoir sur les bancs. Celui qui veut les acheter ne voit d'eux que le visage et les mains, et un peu le bras des femmes. A Damas j'avois vu vendre une fille noire, de quinze