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The Upper Town of Quebec lies upon the top of a rock, about two hundred feet high, almost perpendicular in some parts of it, and everywhere extremely steep and inaccessible, excepting towards the Hauteurs d'Abraham, which is a continuation of the same hill, that begins at Quebec and ends at Cap Rouge, diminishing gradually in height in the space of these three leagues. Lawrence.

Eh! qui pourroit sans toi supporter cette vie, De nos pretres menteurs benir l'hypocrisie: D'une indigne maitresse encenser les erreurs, Ramper sous un ministre, adorer ses hauteurs; Et montrer les langueurs de son ame abattue, A des amis ingrats qui detournent la vue?

Rochester, who, in spite of his ridiculous affectations, his grotesque hauteurs, his impossible theatricality, is a figure of flesh and blood, is absorbed in his passion in a way that shows the fire leaping on the innermost altar.

"Ces dames are not accustomed to such heights a ces hauteurs peut-etre?" The ladies in truth were not, unhappily, always so well lodged; from this height at least one could hope to see a city. "Ah! ha! c'est gai par ici, n'est-ce pas? One has the sun all to one's self, and air! Ah! for freshness one must climb to an attic in these days, it appears."

Ryder is, I think, the special messenger of the sea's beauty, the confidant of its majesties, its hauteurs, its supremacies; for he was born within range of the sea and all its legends have hovered with him continually.

«A une demie lieue de l'Hospice dans une vallon assez large pour une pareille hauteur, nommé les Envers des Foireuse, on rencontre une énorme quantité de pierre roulées qui remplissent presque tout le haut de ce vallons. Cet amas de pierres provient des glaciers et des hauteurs qui descendent du Mont-Velan, qui est la partie la plus élevée du groupe de montagnes, qui forment le grand Saint Bernard. L