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Updated: January 21, 2025
With his hand on the handle, he paused. "You can think about it," he said, "and let me know at your leisure. By the way, there is one more point, Monsieur le Ministre. I would ask you to let this matter remain a secret, known only to our two selves and the Prince President." And John Turner went out, without so much as a glance toward the window.
"Monsieur le Ministre de l'Intérieur is the next to address the Council." Vaudrey had not noticed that Monsieur Collard of Nantes had finished his harangue, and that after the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Foreign Affairs had just concluded his remarks.
"I shall be very glad to go to your house, my dear doctor, and if the Nabob should be there, I should not object to his being presented to me." At that moment the usher opened the door. "Monsieur le Ministre de l'Intérieur is in the blue salon. He has but a word to say to Your Excellency. Monsieur le Préfet de Police is still waiting below, in the gallery."
No. 69. Le Ministre des Affaires Etrangères
Calcutta Hooghly pilots Government House A Durbar The sulky Rajah The customary formalities An ingenious interpreter The sailing clippers in the Hooghly-Calcutta Cathedral A succulent banquet The mistaken Ministre The "Gordons" Barrackpore A Swiss Family Robinson aerial house The child and the elephants The merry midshipmen Some of their escapades A huge haul of fishes Queen Victoria and Hindustani The Hills The Manipur outbreak A riding tour A wise old Anglo-Indian Incidents The fidelity of native servants A novel printing-press Lucknow The loss of an illusion.
But most of them kept their benefices and their sweethearts both, though we find it noted as worthy of mention in the epitaph of the composer and canon, Pierre de la Rue, in the 16th century, that as an "adorateur diligent du Très-Haut, ministre du Christ, il sut garder la chastété et se preserver du contact de l'amour sensuel."
But I don't care to deceive any one." "As you please, Monsieur le Ministre, as you please," answered Warcolier, in a mocking and gentle tone. Sulpice did not like this man. He was a phrase-maker. He had a vague feeling that this Warcolier who in public affected strictly severe principles was privately undermining him and that he yielded to favors in order to win support.
Well? well?" she said to a species of Indian duck, bolder than the others, who snapped at the hem of her skirt to attract attention and to demand fresh mouthfuls. She commenced to laugh nervously, and said: "That one isn't afraid." She threw him a morsel that he swallowed with a greedy gulp. "Do you know, Monsieur le Ministre, that the story of these ducks is that of the human species?
L'Ambassadeur en Allemagne au Ministre des Affaires Etrangères. Berlin, le 17/30 Juillet 1914.
"Comme vostre principal objet doit estre de faire la guerre sans relache aux Anglois, il faut que vostre plus particuliere application soit de detourner de tout autre employ les Francois qui sont avec vous, en leur donnant de vostre part un si bon exemple en cela qu'ils ne soient animez que du desir de chercher a faire du proffit sur les ennemis. Le Ministre a Villebon, Avril, 1692.
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