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Updated: January 5, 2025
When I claim freshness I do not make, you understand, any claim to original discovery. What I have to say, and have been saying for some time, is also more or less, and with certain differences to be found in the thought of Professor Bosanquet, for example, in Alfred Sidgwick's "Use of Words in Reasoning," in Sigwart's "Logic," in contemporary American metaphysical speculation.
And now we live on an income of about two thousand!" Rex brought his eyes down from the sky where he had been allowing them to soar, and fixed them on his last summer's tan shoes. They were whole yet, but had lost their freshness. He could have new ones now, he reflected, without waiting for these old ones to wear out.
She seemed to pull herself together. "There's an exciting element in it that keeps its freshness. And I flatter myself we carried it through brilliantly you and I." The pause before the linked pronouns gave him an odd little thrill. "But what put you off ... at the end?" Her amazing directness took him aback. "I oh, well I thought ... one way and another, you'd been having enough of me."
Far more delightful to him than any palace, more musical than the choicest military band, it all sent a restful sense of joy through his frame, the more invigorating that the window was wide, and the odour of the burned-down candles had passed away. He lay imbibing the sweet sounds and freshness through ear and nostril; but for a time his eyes remained fast closed.
The public walk, which edges the grassy plain allotted to the fair, is bordered by large elm-trees, and the vicinity to the river insures that freshness always so desirable in summer, and more especially in a climate so warm as this. The town of Beaucaire has little worthy of notice, except its Hòtel-de-Ville and church, both of which are handsome buildings.
After a night of fever and oppressive heat he stood by the edge of it, with his legs bathed in the freshness of the water, his body kissed by the wind of a summer morning. He plunged in and swam: he knew not whither he was going, and did not care: it was joy to swim whithersoever he listed.
It had been a happy thought of Mary's to get her two younger sisters, girls of eleven and sixteen, to be present, to enhance the venerable appearance of the party by the contrast of their bloom and freshness.
But when I saw a light in your room to-night I roused my energies again and went at it with a deal of the old freshness. But I am tired out entirely fagged out. Give me, I beseech you, give me some hope!" I lit off my perch in a burst of excitement, and exclaimed: "This transcends everything! everything that ever did occur!
For a while she strolled idly about, her senses revelling in the freshness and beauty around her, in the green vistas that opened to right and left, and the soft breeze that fanned her face.
Leger would not wish me to hear; indeed, the talk those summer days was in keeping with the freshness and sweetness of the world about us. One day that we were butter-making a party of visitors came in to see the Creamery, as sometimes happened. I was washing the butter which lay before me in a pan of water, with the sleeves of my gown pinned above my elbow.
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