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Feel this chain! 'Tis virgin gold. I shall cut two of these heavy links off for thee." "Ah! now thy discourse is to the point," And she handled the chain greedily. "Why, 'tis as massy as the chain round the virgin's neck at the conv " She did not finish the word. "Whisht! whisht! whisht! 'Tis it. And thou shalt have thy share. But betray me not."

Curtis, Life of Webster, i. 585. Randall, Life of Jefferson, i. 101, 102. Now in the library of Cornell University. Va. Conv. of 1776, 150, note. 4 Am. Arch. ii. 168. 4 Am. Arch. ii. 1742. Ibid. 170.

Writings of Washington, iii. 309. W. B. Reed, Life of Joseph Reed, i. 173. Grigsby, Va. Conv. of 1776, 52, 53, note. Grigsby, Va. Conv. of 1776, 151, 152.

As justifying the statement made in the text, I would refer to his letters of August 30, 1777; of October 29, 1777; of October 30, 1777; of December 6, 1777; of December 9, 1777; of January 20, 1778; of January 28, 1778; and of June 18, 1778. Writings of Washington, v. 495-497; 512-515. Jour. Va. House Del. 131. Given in Grigsby, Va. Conv. of 1776, 142 note. Jour. Va. House Del. 27, 33.

Littlemore: In fest. Conv. S. Pauli, 1843. My dear Hope, In return for your announcement of some change of purpose, I must tell you of one of my own, in a matter where I told you I was going to be very quiet. My conscience goaded me some two months since to an act which comes into effect, I believe, in the Conservative Journal next Saturday, viz. to eat a few dirty words of mine.

"Oh, she was with you all the time at Cannes, was she?" "I don't suppose she said two words to anybody else, except, of course, idle conv. at the crowded dinner table or a chance remark in a throng at the Casino." "I see. You mean that anything in the shape of mixed bathing and moonlight strolls she conducted solely in your company?" "That's right. It was quite a joke in the hotel."

Randolph's address at the funeral of Pendleton, in Va. Gazette for 2 Nov. 1803, and cited by Grigsby, Va. Conv. of 1776, 203, 204. S. Lit. Messenger for 1842; thence given in Campbell, Hist. Va. 647, 648. Works of John Adams, iv. 201. 4 Am. Arch. vi. 462. 4 Am. Arch. vi. 1524. Works of John Adams, ix. 387. John Adams's pamphlet is given in his Works, iv. 189-200. The pamphlet is given in 4 Am.

'Certainly. Apollo is put first because he has been accepted as Patrôos. But see R. G. E., p. 49, n. Plut. Q. Conv. ix. 6; Paus. ii. 1. 6; 4. 6; 15. 5; 30. 6. Troades init. In the Iliad he is made an enemy of Troy, like Athena, who is none the less the Guardian of the city. Themis, pp. 295, 296. Review, 1906, pp. 365 and 416.