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Updated: November 14, 2024

The King was still wary, watching the bait like an old pike, but hesitating to seize it; but the duke and duchess were willing to be themselves securities for Fitzwilliam's faith, and Philip promised at last that if Hawkins would send him a letter of recommendation from the Queen of Scots herself, he would then see what could be done. The Ferias were dangerously enthusiastic.

At each hour the Kyrie Eleison and ferial prayers were said on bended knees and the hours terminated as do the hours of Holy Week still with Pater Noster and Miserere. Ferias are divided into three classes, major ferias, privileged ferias and non-privileged. Non-privileged feriae are the feriae of Lent and Advent, Quarter Tense or Ember days and Rogation Monday.

The preces feriales at Lauds and Vespers are the same in structure. They have the same structure in Terce, Sext, None, but differ in character. The preces dominicales at Prime and Compline have a form of their own, additions being made in the preces of Prime when said on a feria. At Vespers Preces Feriales are said on ferias of Advent and Lent when office is of feria.

In Sunday Matins special versicles are given. The preces are said at Lauds and Vespers in ferias of Advent and at the small Hours; preces are said, too, if they be said at Lauds. The great antiphons are the antiphons of the Magnificat which begin on the 17th December. They are sometimes called the great O's, or the O antiphons, as each begins with this letter.

But Ferias in Advent, and in Lent, in Passiontide, Paschal time and September Ember days have proper antiphons. Feasts have antiphons from proper or from common. Etymology, meaning and synonyms. It is found in every Hour, except Matins. It is known by other names, the summarium, collectio, collatio, lectio brevis, epistoletto, lectiuncula, Versiculus brevis. Antiquity.

Tollunt menstruum suum sanguinem et immiscunt cibo vel potui et dant viris suis ad manducandum vel ad bibendum ut plus diligantur ab eis. Si fecisti, quinque annos per legitimas ferias pœniteas. "Gustasti de semine viri tui ut propter tua diabolica facta plus in amorem exardisceret? Si fecisti, septem annos per legitimas ferias pœnitere debeas. "Fecisti quod quædam mulieres facere solent?

Rubrics. Then the Preces are said after the antiphons, and the collects follow after them immediately. The collect of a ferial Office is found in Office of the previous Sunday, except in ferias of Lent and Rogation days which have special and proper collects. At Prime and the other Hours the collect is said after the little respond, unless the Preces be recited. They precede the collect.

"The verse which serves as the antiphon text contains the fundamental thought of the psalm to which it is sung and indicates the point of view from which it is to be understood. Encycl., art. Psalms. In the Breviary, before the recent reform, twelve psalms were recited in the first nocturn of Sundays and on ferias.

The Duke of Feria was one of Philip's most trusted ministers. He had married an English lady who had been a maid of honour to Queen Mary. It is possible that Fitzwilliam had some acquaintance with her or with her family. At any rate, he went to the Spanish Court; he addressed himself to the Ferias; he won their confidence, and by their means was admitted to an interview with Philip.

On excepted Feasts, non-excepted Feasts which have proper antiphons, Holy Week has special antiphons, Six ferias before Christmas have special antiphons. In Paschal time, all psalms and the canticles are recited under one antiphon. Antiphon of Benedictus Sunday antiphons are proper. Ferias throughout the year have antiphons of current feria.

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