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As no other choir work called them until Terce, at 9 a.m., some of them were inclined to rest until that hour and to neglect the spiritual reading and manual work laid down by their rule. Contents. Originally the matter for Prime was drawn from Lauds and was a repetition of part of Lauds. Prime consists of two parts. The first part consists of hymn, psalms, little chapter and collect.

The first hour or period of the day; follows after matins and lauds; originally intended to be said at the first hour after sunrise. Tierce, terce. The third hour; half-way between sunrise and noon. Sext. The sixth hour, originally and properly said at midday. None, noon. The ninth hour from sunrise, or the middle hour between midday and sunset that is, about 3 o'clock.

It was such a wound as a flung bone or billet of wood might make. He desired, after his simplicity, on the following morning, to speak with my lord abbot, but that could not be, and he only saw my lord at terce before mass, afar off sitting in his stall, a great prelate with his chain, and with one who bore a silver wand to go before him and do him service.

xviii On one of these islands now stands the mill, on the other the Nag's Head Inn; the site of the old abbey is chiefly occupied by a brewery! xix Monastic Offices. These were seven in number, besides the night hours. Lauds, before daybreak; Prime, 7 A.M.; Terce, 9 A.M.; Sext, noon; Nones, 3 P.M.; Vespers, 6 P.M.; and Compline, 9 P.M. These were in addition to many daily celebrations of Mass.

The sprawling features of the great fellow were almost laughable to look upon. The bell rang for Terce. While the brothers were at prayers, John took his last look over the house. With the dog at his heels the old thing seemed determined to lose sight of him no more he passed slowly through the hall and into the community room and up the stairs and down the top corridor.

She laid it down she cried; and had one single tear of 'em but tasted of bitterness, full sorrowful would the corporal's heart have been that he had used the argument; but the corporal understood the sex, a quart major to a terce at least, better than my uncle Toby, and accordingly he assailed Mrs. Bridget after this manner. I know, Mrs.

And Pater Noster is said silently if another Hour is not begun immediately. Terce is called the golden Hour, hora aurea, because at this time of the day, the third Hour, the Holy Ghost, who is typified by gold, descended on the apostles. It is the most solemn of all the small Hours. Antiquity. The custom of praying at these three hours, terce, sext and none, is very ancient.

This was also the case, in many instances, with regard to Matins, for the number of psalms to be recited thereat was not definitely fixed. As regards the little hours Prime, Terce, Sext, None and Compline the freedom of the competent ecclesiastical authorities was as yet unconfined by canonical restrictions.

The structure of this hour is similar to that given in Terce above, the hymn, antiphon, psalms, little chapter and responses differing, but the order and form being similar in both. Antiquity. At this hour, the Christians met for public, joint prayer. Why does the Church wish us to pray at the sixth hour of the day?

And now wherever there are sinners to be saved, or sick in body or soul to be tended, you find the Franciscan. "Now I hear the bell for terce go forth, my son, and prove your vocation." Two years had elapsed since the events related in our last two chapters; and they had passed uneventfully, so far as the lives of the page and the scholar are concerned.