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The Sacro-sanctae. Lauds. Etymology, Definition, Symbolism, Origin, Antiquity. Prime. Terce. Etymology, Structure, Antiquity. Reasons for Hour Texts and intentions Sext. Etymology, structure, antiquity Reasons for Hour Texts and intentions None. Etymology, structure, antiquity Reasons for Hour Texts and intentions Vespers. Etymology, structure, antiquity. Reasons for Hour Texts and intentions

For patience; for fraternal charity; for the love of the practice of mortification. Special Intentions. For Catholic schools; for increase in number of daily communicants; for the success of catechists and their work. Etymology. Antiquity. Structure. See note under this head at Terce. Why does the Church desire prayer at the ninth hour?

In reciting the Divine Office two points of order are to be noted: the order or arrangement of offices, the order or arrangement of Hours. The order of offices indicates which office is to be said on each day as laid down in the calendar. The order of the Hours points out which of the seven hours should be recited, firstly, secondly, etc., Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, etc.

The 22 day of Aprill, we were in 8 degrees and two terces: and so we ran to the Northwest, hauing the winde at Northeast and Eastnortheast, and sometimes at East, vntill we were at 18 degrees and a terce, which was on May day.

He looked like a man who was melting before a fire as surely as a piece of wax. "I am sorry now that I told you," said John. Brother Paul hung his head. "It is easy to see that you are suffering more than ever; and it is all my fault. I will go to the Father and confess." Between breakfast and Terce John carried out this intention.

Percy finished Terce, closed his book and lay back; his servant would be here in a minute now. This would mean an unique sight by and bye. Eight years before, he remembered, after the freedom of Rome, there had been a similar assembly; but the Cardinals at that time amounted to no more than fifty-three all told, and four had been absent.

And towards the South shore there is a ledge of Isles all couered with trees, and they end ouer against the point of the Isle of Orleans. And the poynt of the Isle of Orleans toward the Northeast is in 47 degrees and one terce of a degree. And the Isle of Orleans is a fayre Isle, all couered with trees even vnto the riuers side: and it is about 5 leagues long, and a league and an halfe broade.

At noon she ran with tidings good TERCE Across the field and down the lane To share them with the neighborhood. Four miles she walked and home again, SEXT To sit through half the afternoon And hear a feeble crone complain; But when she saw the frosty moon NONES And lakes of shadow on the hill Her maiden dreams grew bright as noon.