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Galeazzo replied in another bantering letter, assuming the part of a priest, and exhorting the fair sinner to confess her faults in these holy days of Passiontide, lest she should incur greater damnation, and drive her soul into the devil's jaws.

Read over the grand Church hymns, the "Vexilla Regis," the "Pange lingua gloriosi lauream certaminis," or recall them in your memory their Passiontide echoes sound under the triumphant pealing of the bells of Easter and then be glad that one of your own poets has also sent down the ages the song of his love and his reverence.

In Passiontide, the Breviary gives us the last verse, Deo Patri, and the translation renders it: "To Thee, Who dead again dost live, All glory, Jesus, ever be, Praise to the Father, infinite, And Holy Ghost eternally." This is a beautiful call to our Lord to remind Him, as it were, that we are His own, that we bear His name.

But if the Office be not any of these mentioned just now, the responsory is followed by the Preces. These ferial preces of Prime differ from the ferial preces of Lauds, and are said in Prime when the ferial preces are said in Lauds, That is, on the ferias of Advent, Lent, Passiontide, Ember days and Vigils.

In Passiontide the Gloria Patri is not said, but the responsory is repeated ab initio. In the Requiem Office Gloria Patri is replaced by "requiem aeternam." In the Sundays of Advent, Sundays after Septuagesima until Palm Sunday, and in the triduum before Easter, there are nine responsories recited. Perhaps an explanation of the rubric may not be useless.

Had Dunstan been then in town, the whole story would have been told, and much misery saved, for Elfric felt he could trust him if he could trust anybody; but unhappily Dunstan was, as we have seen, keeping Passiontide at his abbey.

Robin sat silent till the tale was done, and at the end of it Anthony was striding about the room, aflame again with wrath, gesticulating and raging aloud. Then Robin spoke, holding up his hand for moderation. "You will have the whole house here," he said. "Well, you have cooked my goose for me." "Bah! that was cooked at Passiontide when you went to Booth's Edge.

But Ferias in Advent, and in Lent, in Passiontide, Paschal time and September Ember days have proper antiphons. Feasts have antiphons from proper or from common. Etymology, meaning and synonyms. It is found in every Hour, except Matins. It is known by other names, the summarium, collectio, collatio, lectio brevis, epistoletto, lectiuncula, Versiculus brevis. Antiquity.