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It cannot come before the 18th January, nor after the 22nd February. It is the first day of a period of mourning and penance, preparatory to the great penitential period of Lent. On the Saturday preceding Septuagesima two alleluias are added to the Benedicamus and Deo Gratias, to intimate that the period of rejoicing in the Saviour's birth has passed.

Second General Division, from Septuagesima till Easter: The death of Christ preceded by the events of His public life, His fasting, temptation, preaching, miracles, passion and death. Third General Division, from Easter to Pentecost: The Resurrection, the Ascension, Pentecost. Fourth General Division, from Pentecost till Advent, the termination of the Church's year.

The design was soberer here; the angels that had rested among the green branches and early roses of Septuagesima, thrusting here a trumpet and there a harp among the leaves, had taken flight, and grave menacing creatures were in their place.

Bear all this in mind; fancy some Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin, is written on all around, telling of disaffection and despair, and revolt and ruin; and then listen to what was said and done to and by the Pope on that Sunday before Septuagesima.

The Emperor corresponded with men of learning, on subjects of literature; they generally related to religion. In one of his letters, he requires of Alcuin an explanation of the words Septuagesima, Sexagesima, and Quinquagesima, which denote the Sundays which immediately precede, and the word Quadragesima, which denotes the first Sunday which occurs in Lent.

For our goal lies north and east, and to fail of it would break my heart. But 'twere a high enterprise for England some day to smoke out these robbers, and I know none to which a Christian man could more worthily engage himself." Mr. Badcock shivered. "In our parish church," said he, "we used to take up a collection for these poor prisoners every Septuagesima.

On the Sundays of Septuagesima, Sexagesima, and Quinquagesima. On all the days in Lent. On the first eight days after the Resurrection. On the Feast of St Mark. On the day of our Lord’s Ascension. On the eve of the day of Pentecost. On the six days following Pentecost. Days on which a soul may be drawn out of Purgatory, + On Septuagesima Sunday. + On the Tuesday after the first Sunday in Lent.

May is considered unlucky, and in an old almanac of 1678 we find the following notice: "Times prohibiting marriage: Marriage comes in on the 13th day of January and at Septuagesima Sunday; it is out again until Low Sunday, at which time it comes in again and goes not out until Rogation Sunday.

Compline. Advent Christmas St. Stephen; St. John; Circumcision; Epiphany; Septuagesima; Lent; Easter and Paschal Times; Ascension; Whit Sunday; Trinity Sunday December; January; February; March; May; June; July; August; October; November Etymology. The word, Breviary, comes from an old Latin word, Breviarium, an abridgment, a compendium.

"They numbered altogether twenty-nine or thirty, according as the calendar gave fifty-two or fifty-three Sundays in the year.... The smaller number of these, six at most, come between Epiphany and Septuagesima, but the larger, twenty-three to twenty-eight, between Whit Sunday and Advent. The variation depends on the date of Easter. Septuagesima Sunday comes nine weeks before Easter.