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Read over the grand Church hymns, the "Vexilla Regis," the "Pange lingua gloriosi lauream certaminis," or recall them in your memory their Passiontide echoes sound under the triumphant pealing of the bells of Easter and then be glad that one of your own poets has also sent down the ages the song of his love and his reverence.

Ancient ceremonies at Rome Service in the Sixtine chapel Passio Sermon and indulgence Prayers for all mankind exposition of the cross; ancient crucifixes and crosses adoration of the cross; its antiquity Palestrina's improperii, Trisagion chant of the hymn Pange lingua gloriosi lauream etc, Procession of the B. Sacrament Mass of the Presanctified, Vespers Tenebræ Veneration of the principal relics at S Peter's Grounds of belief in the genuineness of relics 1.

-Haec res sic gesta est. Bene valete, et vincite Virtute vera, quod fecistis antidhac; Servate vostros socios, veteres et novos; Augete auxilia vostris iustis legibus; Perdite perduelles: parite laudem et lauream Ut vobis victi Poeni poenas sufferant. III. XIII. Increase of Amusements

When the sacred college has finished the adoration, the choir having ended the improperii sings the anthem Crucem tuam, the psalm Deus misereatur nostri, the hymn Pange lingua gloriosi lauream certaminis etc. Towards the end of this beautiful ceremony the candles are lighted, the deacon spreads out the corporal as usual, placing the purificator near it.