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Updated: January 19, 2025
"Mur der!" roared Wood, struggling to free himself from his assailant, by whom he was half strangled. "Damnation!" exclaimed one of the leaders of the party in a furious tone, snatching a torch from an attendant, and throwing its light full upon the face of the carpenter; "this is not the villain, Sir Cecil."
If I were you, Abel, I'd tell him he'd better be steddyin' about everlastin' damnation instead of steers. Steers ain't goin' to haul him out of hell fire if he once gits down into it." "Well, you can tell her, Abel," retorted grandfather, "that it's time enough to holler 'hell-fire! when you begin to burn."
She was going to tell him, faithfully, frankly, all the story of her marriage accuse her own rash self-will in marrying Delane, confess her own failings as a wife; she would tell no hypocritical tale. She would make it plain that Roger had found in her no mere suffering saint, and that probably her intolerance and impatience had contributed to send him to damnation.
Francis Thompson, with surface lightness, tells us, in A Renegade Poet on the Poet: He alone of men, though he travel to the pit, picks up no company by the way; but has a contrivance to avoid scripture, and find a narrow road to damnation.
He was one of those men who suppose themselves submissive to the Divine will, to the uttermost extent demanded by the extreme theology of that day, simply because they have no nerves to feel, no imagination to conceive what endless happiness or suffering is, and who deal therefore with the great question of the salvation or damnation of myriads as a problem of theological algebra, to be worked out by their inevitable x, y, z.
How's a poor man to live that way? They'll not cotch me at Barchester 'Sizes at that price; they may be sure of that. Look there, that's what I've got for my day." And he put his hand into his breeches-pocket and fetched out a sixpence. "How's a man to fill his belly out of that. Damnation!" "Dan!" "Well, what did I say? Hold your jaw, will you, and not be halloaing at me that way?
Michael jumped up and cried "Damnation!" and I at once saw my mistake. The landlord's manner instantly altered. He looked at me triumphantly and said: "Beds, beds! but, my honoured sirs, I have no beds in the house. I forgot to tell you that no guest has been upstairs in years, for certain reasons. Indeed, sirs, I am so embarrassed! I should have told you at once I have only a day trade.
A league with demons would be less abominable! I must close the account, and shake off such pestilential scoundrels! Laura comes! I will question her a little, and then ! Dover-Street I am returned, and am still tormented by delay! I cannot help it I said I would not use wilful cruelty: that were to heap unnecessary damnation! Laura began by softening my heart with her narrative.
And if you would do me the greatest of favours should you ever again find an excuse to write me on any matter, please address me by the initial of my ridiculous first name only; it is of course impossible for me to live down the deep damnation of having been born a Sybarite; but the indulgence of my friends can save me the further degradation of being known as Perceval.
He was tempted to do as Billy Louise had done ride on and pass up knowledge which might be disagreeable; for Ward was not one to spy upon his fellows, and the man whom he would betray into the hands of a sheriff must be guilty of a most heinous crime. That was his code: To let every fellow have a chance to work out his own salvation or damnation as he might choose.
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