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Updated: September 16, 2024

I could only think of running away from the boat, and was nearly at the point of doing so, when he crowded me too far one day, and pushed me to the point of one of those frenzied revolts for which the Dutch are famous. The author insists that "cruelized" is the exact word to express his meaning, and will consent to no change. G.v.d.M.

But what he calls good order, is sacrificing the happiness of many to the advancement of a few; and no doubt knowledge is unfavorable to the continuation of such a state of things. It is precisely so with the slaveholder; he insists that the welfare of millions must be subordinate to his private interest, or else all good order is destroyed.

"That's all very well," he cried, "but for instance, he insists that the entire time you are in the cabinet, you hold a handful of flour in one hand and of shot in the other" he illustrated with clenched fists "which makes it impossible," he protested, "for you to use your hands." The face of the girl showed complete indifference. "Not necessarily," she said.

My head man tells me that I must have grapes and pines all the year round: and since he insists upon it, I submit. But I imagine that a good many more of his pines and grapes find their way to Covent Garden than to my table."

The mason-bee continues to build upon the ready-completed nest presented to her. She obstinately insists upon provisioning a cell already duly filled with the quantity of honey required by the larva, because, in this case as in the other, the impulse which incites her to build or to provision the nest has not yet been exhausted.

Doctor Clarke himself stumbles a little upon these points; he insists upon free agency, and uses this extraordinary method to support his argument; he says, "God is, by necessity, a free agent: and be can no more possibly cease to be so, than he can cease to exist.

"Indeed, we won't know you," laughed Dorothy, "for papa insists that you boys must wear dominoes, too." "Hurrah for us, I say!" shouted Reginald; "we'll have as much fun as you girls will." "And we've two weeks to wait," said Katie Dean, "and all that time we're not to tell what we're to be." "Nor even the color of our dominoes," said Jeanette.

"Auntie's going out to dinner to-night," says I. "Yes, I know," says Vee. "She has just told me. I am not included." "Then whisper," says I. "Revise that wardrobe trunk of yours like you expected a cold winter in Jamaica. Have a bag ready, too, and a traveling dress handy." "But why, Torchy?" she insists. "Leave it to me," says I. "We'll be up about 8:30." "We?" she asks.

The 'genius loci' was limping about the pleasant mansion with the rheumatism which then expressed itself to his friends in a resolute smile, but which now insists upon being an essential trait of the full-length presence to my mind: a short stout figure, helped out with a cane, and a grizzled head with features formed to win the heart rather than the eye of the beholder.

It was not until years afterward that I came upon Tolstoy's phrase "the snare of preparation," which he insists we spread before the feet of young people, hopelessly entangling them in a curious inactivity at the very period of life when they are longing to construct the world anew and to conform it to their own ideals.

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