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Updated: September 16, 2024

Through the busy concourse flowing up and down the thoroughfares from dawn to dusk, street-criers took their way, bearing wares upon their heads in wicker baskets, before them on broad trays, or slung upon their backs in goodly packs. And as they passed, their voices rose above the general din, calling "Fair lemons and oranges, oranges and citrons!" "Cherries, sweet cherries, ripe and red!"

The church was his, especially his, since he had restored it entirely at his own expense, the rectory, a lop- sided, half-timbered house, built in the fifteenth century, was his, the garden, full of flowering shrubs, carelessly planted and allowed to flourish at their own wild will, was his, the ten acres of pasture-land that spread in green luxuriance round and about his dwelling were his, and, best of all, the orchard, containing some five acres planted with the choicest apples, cherries, plums and pears, and bearing against its long, high southern wall the finest peaches and nectarines in the county, was his also.

"Would you like to?" he asked. "Yes, more particular in fruit garding. We can eat cherries and strawberries, and pelt each other. What you say?" Mr. Dolman looked out of the open window. He was pretty certain that his wife by this time was absent in the village. The clock on the mantelpiece pointed to half-past eleven; the early dinner would not be ready until one o'clock.

"Oh! fie, Master Johnny," said Mary. "Johnny, my love," said Mrs Easy in a coaxing tone, "come now will you go?" "I'll go in the garden and get some more cherries," replied Master Johnny. "Come, then, love, we will go into the garden." Master Johnny jumped off his chair, and took his mamma by the hand.

While the troops were passing, Count Bismarck had the kindness to point out to me the different organizations, giving scraps of their history, and also speaking concerning the qualifications of the different generals commanding them. When the review was over we went to the Count's house, and there, for the first time in my life, I tasted kirschwasser, a very strong liquor distilled from cherries.

There is, however, a small black cherry still grown in this and other parts of Hampshire and Surrey called the "Merry," from the French merise, and it was natural that when cherries were abundant the merry would also be plentiful. The word "dumb" is an archaic synonym for "damson," and the same rule would apply between it and the plum, as with the cherry and the merry.

That tree was rather avoided for some days, or it may have been let alone merely because others were ripening; so that Mrs. Cobb got her cherries, and I sent Mrs. Walter some also for the excellent loan of her veil and gaiters.

"She's the swellest girl in these parts" this with the air of a man who had weighed many feminine charms and found them wanting. "Has she eyes like stars, lips like cherries, neck like a swan, and a laugh like a ripple of music?" Pearl asked eagerly. "Them's it," Tom replied modestly. "Then I'd go, you bet!" was Pearl's emphatic reply. "There's your mother calling."

Rotundity is a patent charm; as for smoothness the more new wrinkles a woman acquires, the smoother she becomes. Ileen was a strictly vegetable compound, guaranteed under the Pure Ambrosia and Balm-of-Gilead Act of the year of the fall of Adam. She was a fruit-stand blonde strawberries, peaches, cherries, etc.

Oh dear, I have just remembered that I have to be back now and drink some hot coffee and milk, because Miss Dorner says that the afternoons are so frightfully long in the country they have to be interrupted. At that time I always used to get from the garden some apples or cherries or whatever else there was, and they always tasted so awfully good.

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