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Updated: September 7, 2024

A vivid blaze of lambent lightning lighted the room; the awful death-rattle sounded once more. "Beware of Zenith's grandchild!" He spoke the words aloud, clear and distinct, and never spoke again. Many miles away from Kingsland Court, that same sultry, oppressive midsummer night a little third-rate theater on the Surrey side of London was crowded to overflowing.

A landless man in England can be punished for behaving in the only way that a landless man can behave: for sleeping under a hedge in Surrey or on a seat on the Embankment. The last possibility, of course, is that upon which all human beings would fall back if they were sinking in a swamp or impaled on a spike or deserted on an island. It is that of calling out for pity to the passerby.

On a cold afternoon just as the wintry light was fading a tall, dark, middle-aged, rather handsome man with black hair and moustache, and wearing a well-cut, dark-grey overcoat and green velour hat, alighted from the train at the wayside station of Wanborough, in Surrey, and inquired of the porter the way to Shapley Manor. "Shapley, sir?

I have known a donkey by sight; we were not on speaking terms who lived over on the Surrey side of London-bridge, among the fastnesses of Jacob's Island and Dockhead. It was the habit of that animal, when his services were not in immediate requisition, to go out alone, idling.

'In Surrey somewhere I think. He took up the tongs, and deliberately put the fire together, in silence. At last he said 'I thought you promised Cicely and me that you wouldn't attempt anything of the kind? 'Not till I was fit. Her voice trembled a little. 'But now I am quite fit. 'You should let your friends judge that for you, he said gently. 'No, no, I can't.

By way of answer, Franks called upon his correspondent, who lived in a pleasant little house at Ashtead, in Surrey; he found a man of something less than sixty, with a touch of eccentricity in his thoughts and ways, by whom he was hospitably received, and invited to return whenever it pleased him.

And while I, therefore, in the name of all the women, thank the Earl of Surrey for the assistance that he has been desirous to render to a woman, I unite my prayer with his, because it shall not be said that we women are always cowardly and timid, and never venture to hasten to the help of the distressed. I, therefore, ask mercy, sire, mercy for Anne Askew!"

Far over on the Surrey shore a blue light vaporous, mysterious flicked translucent tongues against the night's curtain. It was a weird, elusive flame, leaping, wavering, magically changing from blue to a yellowed violet, rising, falling. "Only a gasworks," came Smith's voice, and I knew that he, too, had been watching those elfin fires.

The Metropolitan Tabernacle had as yet not been built. Mr. Spurgeon was at the Surrey Music Hall, and there the great congregation had gathered around this youthful master of assemblies. One Sunday night, at the close of the service, Lord John Russell came into the vestry to speak a kindly word of encouragement to the young preacher.

We hope to see you and to hear your views at the council table. But how is this? Have I not seen this gentleman's face before? 'It is the Honourable Sir Gervas Jerome of the county of Surrey, quoth Saxon. 'Your Majesty may have seen me at St. James's, said the baronet, raising his hat, 'or in the balcony at Whitehall. I was much at Court during the latter years of the late king. 'Yes, yes.

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