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Updated: January 20, 2025

Together they had "freshened up" from the little balcony, and the calmness of the stars and David's philosophy had set their seal upon her. She was brave and tolerant. She had chosen her path, and with the courage of the dunes she was ready to tread it wherever it might lead. "Shall we walk on?" asked Devant. It was easier than to stand still. So they slowly turned and went toward Bluff Head.

Charles followed them, unresisting, to the fatal balcony where Andre had been hanged. He was there asked if he desired to confess, and when he said yes, they brought a monk from the sane convent where the terrible scene had been enacted: he listened to the confession of all his sins, and granted him absolution.

There were loud shouts, doubtless some cries of "Long live the King," but still more and louder shouts of: "The Constitution forever!" which were by no means loyally intended. At a distance, from the Castle balcony, the different shouts could, of course, not be distinguished.

"Thank you," he muttered, "thank you. I shall get all right out there." An iron stairway led down into a small stable yard, of which the door opened into a side street. Mr. Sleuth looked round once more; he really did feel very ill ill and dazed. How pleasant it would be to take a flying leap over the balcony railing and find rest, eternal rest, below.

Beneath an awning spread above the balcony of one of those modern elegant flats, which today characterize Heliopolis, the City of the Sun, site of perhaps the most ancient seat of learning in the known world, a party of four was gathered, awaiting the unique spectacle which is afforded when the sun's dying rays fade from the Libyan sands and the violet wonder of the afterglow conjures up old magical Egypt from the ashes of the desert.

On all sides could be heard the slightly-drawling speech of the Kansan. They went up to a little balcony which projected over the walk. Four or five other young fellows were already seated there. Some of them were magnificent-looking fellows, keen, wholesome, and picturesque in their dress. "Excuse me now, gentlemen," said Davis, whipping out his note-book. "I'm a reporter, and here they come!"

Below them, a ladder stood against the front of the house, resting on the first floor. A glimmer lit up the stone balcony. And another man, who was also carrying something, bestrode the baluster, slid down the ladder and ran away by the same road as the first. Suzanne, scared to the verge of swooning, fell on her knees, stammering: "Let us call out let us call for help " "Who would come?

'Why absurd? asked Maulevrier, sitting where she bade him, and studiously perusing the name in his hat, as if it were a revelation. 'Oh, for a thousand reasons, answered Lesbia, switching the flowers in the balcony with her light little whip.

"It is she," cried Traugott, when he saw the painter's daughter standing on the balcony, occupied with some sort of feminine work. "Felicia, my Felicia!" he exclaimed aloud in his joy, as he burst into the room. The girl looked up very much alarmed. She had Felicia's features; but it was not Felicia.

Another picturesque thing about the Palazzo Publico is a great stone balcony quaintly wrought, about midway in the front and high aloft, with two arched windows opening into it.

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